Letter of Concern Regarding Poor Management Decisions

This letter of concern is written to an employee by a senior member of a company in order to show his deep concerns regarding employee’s poor management decisions which are reflecting both the quality of his and the company’s work. This letter may highlight the degradation faced by the company in front of its clients because of the bad supervision of the employee.

A letter of concern will serve as an informal warning letter advising the employee to sort out his misconduct and all related problems in order to reflect professionalism and highly qualitative work.

Sample Letter

[Sender’s name]
[Name of Organization]


[Receiver’s name]
[Name of Organization]

Subject: Letter of Concern for poor management decisions

Dear [Receiver’s Name],

This letter is to inform you about our concerns regarding your poor management skills that have been affecting your work lately, especially when your ill management reflected the recent project [XYZ] assigned to you on Date: [Project date].

Working deliberately and enthusiastically represents one’s passion for work, but in your case, the underprivileged working codes and management skills which we require from a worker are lacking in your performance.

As you are a senior member of this company, we surely believe that you worked hard for this appointment, but this does not mean that your designation will reflect the quality of your management skills. Your juniors and other staff members are supposed to follow your leads and reflecting a non-serious attitude can affect their quality of work as well.

Since this is an informal warning letter representing our deep concerns on this matter, we expect you to improve the quality of your work otherwise the next letter may change into an official warning letter.

Under the meeting conducted for the recent project which you were leading, attended by our supervisors, other staff members, and me; your presentation and preparation on that project clearly reflected your bad management skills.

We handled the matter at that moment but upon discussion with your supervisors, we came to know about your previous progress which did not reflect fruitful results. This conduct did not happen the first time, rather your ill management skills have been reflecting your quality of work lately.

Therefore, we advise you to pay special consideration from now on so we can rely on you and trust you with our new projects. As I said earlier, we know your previous progress and we believe that you may be an asset to our company.

We personally understand your concern, as it maybe works or family pressure, and to cater that we can direct you to a consultant so he can help you figure out your relative problem. Or we can assist you in joining the training for management skills session conducted on Date [Session date]. For that, you may contact the Human Resource Department with the extension [Contact details].

We trust you with your management responsibility and hope to see your progress in no time. Please feel free to contact me at [Contact details] in case of any other query.


[Your name]
[Your Signature]

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