Resignation Letter with Complaint

Satisfaction is the most important part of the life of an individual. When a person is satisfied with his lifestyle, he feels peace inside and around himself. It can only come with internal happiness and internal happiness can come only when we cherish what we have. Most importantly, if we start comparing ourselves with other people, it leads to pessimism.

A key to happiness is “think big thoughts but relish small pleasures”. If we lead our life as per this statement, we would never find any difficulty in attaining satisfaction. On the controversial side, still, there are some factors that can lead to dissatisfaction and discomfort. Such discomforts affect the nature, habits, and family life of an individual. Such factors can arise due to a person’s job or business.

Sometimes, jobs become much troublesome for a person that it adversely affects the behavior. Such cases, if not tackled timely can lead to serious mental disorders. An employee is free to complain about any serious issue he is having relating to his job.


I [name] am writing this letter to resign from my post as [designation] in protest of the disrespectful treatment I have received in this office.

I joined this firm in [year] as [designation]. It was through hard work and dedication that I rose to the post of [designation]. I was posted here last year as [present designation] as I was the top sales manager in my old office and the firm wanted me to look into the affairs in this office and see if I could improve the state of affairs as the sales were decreasing every day and the revenue being generated was at an all-time low.

When I came here I realized that it was due to the unprofessional attitude of the staff and their bad customer service. Many customers had complained of the staff’s rude behavior and incompetency but the previous manager had taken no notice of these complaints.

I started improving the office practices and tried to discipline the staff members in matters such as punctuality, keeping the office in a presentable condition and most importantly in how to deal with the customers. But my efforts were met with inflexibility and stubbornness.

Despite giving many chances to some of the employees, their attitude remained unchanged. I was forced to fire two of them but that alerted the rest of the office that their unprofessionalism would not be tolerated anymore so they went on a strike. Also, some of them had friends in the higher-ups of the organization and that resulted in me getting reprimanded instead of appreciated.

This is why I have put in my resignation as I cannot work in such toxic conditions. The last straw was the reprimand I received as whatever I had done was done with the best interests of the firm in mind but if my efforts are not appreciated I do not see the point of making all this effort. Please accept my resignation.


I am writing this letter to put in my resignation. I had joined this school as a games teacher six months ago. As soon as I joined and took inventory, I had requested you to please provide some sports equipment for the students so that I could teach them something. There were no footballs. Cricket balls were present but there were no bats. Similarly, there is an excellent squash court present on the campus ground but no racquets. Neither are students allowed to bring their personal equipment to school.

Every Games period involves students moaning about the lack of equipment and no matter how much I try to keep them occupied they are increasingly becoming irritable and upset and to be honest they are justified in that. In their monthly fees, a considerable sum is deducted for sports facilities but they are provided none by the school.

In this situation, I feel that I am not doing anything constructive nor am I contributing to the children’s well-being and education and as a result, I am gaining no experience and hence no professional growth.

Please accept my resignation and take my parting advice and improve the sports facilities being provided to the students as their mental health is deeply linked with their physical health and if you provide them with opportunities to play, you will find yourself with more disciplined and more focused learners in the classroom. 

Resignation Letter with Complaint against Colleagues’ Behavior

Free Apartments
Robert Wheelock
35 St. Front Line Avenue, Las Vegas.

20th June 20XX

Mr. Andrew Jonathan.
Branch Manager.
The State Bank.
15 St, Red Star Avenue, Las Vegas.

Dear [Recipients Name],

I hope you are well. Today, I am writing to give my resignation from the bank. The reason for my resignation is the de-motivating and taunting behavior of all my colleagues. I am working in your bank as an accounts manager for six months. Throughout my educational career, I was the top scorer. My grades and extra-curriculum were outstanding.

Almost one and a half years ago, I had a serious accident that leads to my broken leg. It was the worst day of my life. But I did not lose hope. All my colleagues’ behavior is so immature and unprofessional regarding my disability. I was not expecting this behavior from educated and mature people. I tried to adapt myself to all this. But, it is just leading me to mental failures and negativities. I am unable to cope with this situation anymore. Please accept my resignation enclosed with this letter.

I am waiting for the acceptance.


Robert Wheelock.

Accounts Manager, The State Bank.


I am always available to answer your questions. For any queries or suggestions please contact or write to me at the email address given at the Contact Us page. I will be very happy to see your response to improve my effort. Thank you! *Please write to me at Contact Us for anything for which you were here on my website and could not find it. Your required stuff will be updated within 24 hours at maximum.

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