Salary Increases Announcement Letter Template


Re. Salary Increase Announcement

Dear David, this letter has been written in response to your letter no. 313 (Re. Request to review Performa-19 and Increase my Salary). It is to say that your letter has been reviewed by the Senior Manager of the relevant department and he has decided to increase your salary by 10% according to the Seventh Performance Policy of the company. According to Seventh Performance Policy (updated in 2020), all the employees are subjected to incentive or increase in their salary with the five continual proposals and three continual projects that company has undertaken with the decisive coordination of the respective employee.

A summation of ten percent shall be added with reference to the gross salary of the employee. Keeping all this consideration, it has been decided that your salary will be incentivized by an amount of $348 (in the calculation of your gross salary). This salary increase shall be effective from the month of August.

A copy of the letter has been sent to the Senior Finance Manager in the Department of Accounts and Auditing. You can talk to him in case of any query or confusion. We also take this moment to appreciate your endless cooperation and working beyond the expectations of your head. We praise your industrious and vigorous capability of working. If you have any questions related to this, you can send me an email at [X] or call [X] during office hours. We thank you for your dedication and inclusive nature of working and expect the same in the future.


Gertrude Hills
Assistant Manager
I-Ceps, Boston

Size: 21 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



Re. Announcing an Increment of 12% in the Basic Salary of the Employees SN-10 and Above.

To Whom it may Concern,

With reference to the above-cited subject, it is stated that the head team of the supervisors has decided to effectuate the delayed increment in the salaries of employees graded SN-10 and above. The increment of the salaries was to happen on [DATE] but due to the influx of unwanted situations, it became difficult to announce the increment and the authorities had to cancel the notification.

In the meeting of departmental coordination led by Mr. Geller, it has been decided to give an increment of 12% with reference to the respective basic salaries. Hence, it was also said that an amount of 12% w.r.t their basic salary shall also be provided by the end of July as an additional amount for July salary to compensate for the delay.

We acknowledge your tireless services and endless support in making this company and skyrocket its name in no time. Honest and dedicated employees are one of the most precious assets for a business as a business is more likely to collapse without a team like you.

Please refer to the Accounts and Auditing Department for any queries related to the payment or salary increment. You can refer to Human Resources if you have any problem/confusion with the grading of the employment. We look forward to working with you in the future with the same energetic pace of value and praiseworthy attributes.

Best Regards

Flora Jadestone
Assistant Manager
Florida HY. CO.
Orlando, Florida

Size: 22 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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