Show Cause Notice for Using Abusive Language

A show-cause notice for using abusive language is issued to an employee for correcting his ill-behavior against other co-workers or the people of the organization. The letter may signify the details of the occurrence of conduct and provide a general warning against disciplinary issues. In addition, the manager may ask for a reasonable excuse in the employee’s defense. Usually, a show-cause notice is issued when the employee isn’t refraining from ill-disciplined conducts and the matter has reached the HR Department of the company.

Sample Notice:


[Name of the employee]
[Name of Organization]

Date: [Mention Date]

Subject: Show cause notice on using abusive language

Mr./Mrs. [Name of employee],

This letter is in reference to the complaints we are receiving about you for the verbal misconduct with colleagues and department members. In the meeting with your supervisor and Human Resource Department, I got to know the uncomplimentary comments you have been using in the past month [Or mention time].

However, this is not the first time that I am hearing such non-ethical conduct from your side, rather your supervisors had already given you informal notice to resolve these disputes. Over time, we thought that it might be work or family pressure that you must be carrying, therefore we ignored the matter at first. But with reference to the rules and regulations of this company, misconduct like this can never be beneficial for your own good in order to work and establish here. I myself would never neglect this occurrence, therefore I have decided to give you formal notice.

This company is renowned by the fact that all the employees maintain work ethics and discipline. The supervisors on the other hand make sure to cooperate and benefit each employee but unfortunately, you have wronged our expectations.

Following are the misconducts that I have been hearing about you in the past month:

  • Using slang and unprofessional language in the office
  • Being offensive towards an employee and shouting irregularly
  • Giving verbal threats to one of the co-workers
  • Being rude with a female colleague

[Mention incidents and explain the conduct, along with the date of occurrence]

Other incidents were also documented by your colleagues and staff members. This has created a negative environment in our office and thus we require you to provide a reasonable explanation in your defense, telling us the cause of your action and apologizing from every staff member which you have harmed verbally. I am sure each of them must have been affected by your ill behavior.

In addition, you may provide an appropriate excuse and contradict us in not taking any disciplinary action against you and why I should not proceed for your suspension or termination. Remember that using verbal threats reflects the background of a person and in which environment he was brought up.

I believe that you are a hard-working employee and a beneficial asset for our company. Hereby, we have decided to give you another chance in order to prove against your ill-conducts.

We will be waiting for your reply.


[Your name]

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