Thank You Letter for Reference letter

Acknowledging someone plays a vital role in boosting his motivation. Especially references and recommendations have an important place for seeking the right job as per desire. References prove very supportive in revealing personal potency and qualities of a person. If a person seeks the right job as he wills, he can be much intuitive in his skills and abilities. And in result success chances are more.

Apart from it, one should choose the right person for reference as this matter a lot in getting the required job. The people who are associated with us and are well aware of our expertise and skills can benefit us greatly. An organization who has to hire also finds such references very useful in finding the right candidate for a selected job which can benefit their success.

For an effective reference, correct format should be followed to leave a good impression. Thanking those who gave their time for writing references is a good gesture which makes a relationship stronger and reliable.


I want to thank you for writing me such a glowing reference letter. when I applied for the post of (designation) in (hospital name)’s Cardiology department. I felt that you were the most appropriate person to ask for a reference, as I had worked under you during my house job in this department. Sir you are a witness to my dedication to this field and know that it is my passion to become the best cardiologist not just in our country but the world over.

The things I learned from you during house job, from time management, patient care to work life balance have helped and guided me in my career and I would always be grateful to you.

Everyday thousands of people are diagnosed with heart disease. I want to ease the suffering of these patients and make it easy for people to access healthcare and increase awareness as a lot of complications arise due to ignoring the early symptoms of the disease’s onset.

In the end I would like to express my gratitude for your kind words. Your reference letter helped me secure this position. I’m truly in your debt. Thank you for helping me fulfil my dream.


I want to thank you for writing me such a glowing reference letter. I joined your firm in (year) and worked there for (number) years, during this time I always found you to be a very fair and kind-hearted boss. You were always very encouraging and sympathetic towards the employees, which is the reason why I reached out to you when I needed a recommendation letter for applying for the post of (designation) in (company).

Going through the recommendation letter you wrote, brought back all the memories from that time when I was fresh out of college and had started working for you. It was an ideal start to a professional career, and I learnt a lot while working for you. The professionalism, thoroughness, and attention to detail, which you instilled in me has helped me throughout my career and I am grateful to you for grooming me for the professional world.

All my colleagues who worked with me, back then, are now thorough professionals and a lot of the credit for our success goes to you and your training team. You have been an excellent mentor to me and many others.

In the end I would like to express my gratitude for your kind words. It would be a pleasure to be of assistance to you if you ever need me.


Co. Tech Pvt. Ltd.
Scribe Watson.
Block 4 B, Beach Avenue, New Jersey.


Mr. Doe Alison.
Sunrise Collaborations Ltd.
8 St. Bird Avenue, Virginia.

Dear [Recipients Name],

I hope you are good. I want to express my heartiest gratitude for the reference letter you wrote for me. I must tell you that with the help of your reference I got the right job which I desired since long. I have interviewed with many firms but working with this firm was my desire.

I am unable to express my feelings of happiness which are just because of you kind concern and acknowledgment. My post in the company is as a project manager and I am very excited. As you know that I have done my specialization in project management. And I have good experience in project making and management.

During my study career, I did many projects voluntarily with famous companies. This job position was very competitive and your reference helped me in getting it.

Thank you very much.


Scribe Watson.

Project Manager, CO Tech Pvt. Ltd.


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