Bad News Announcement Letter

#1: To employee about demotion

Re. Announcement of the Negative Evaluation Found w.r.t Employees Performance Report 20XX

Dear Noah, I am saddened to announce the negative evaluation of you with respect to the employee’s performance report June-August 20XX and Performance Appraisal of July-August 20XX. This letter intends to communicate the negative points found in your evaluation and their impacts on you as an employee.

Employees Performance Report 20XX is the reporting of the employees’ performance and their professional attitude every three months. Performance appraisals are monthly evaluations of the employees in terms of working capability, productivity, project involvement, activity, regularity, and diligence.

It has been found that you remained absent from the office without informing any of the authorities for three days. Later, your negligent behavior in the SDFC Contract and the Project of SWOT analysis was also observed. On 23-05-21, you were found guilty of misbehaving with your supervisor. Moreover, your supervisor is not satisfied or happy with your work and remarks it you as unproductive and least professional.

All these comments have been added to the report and recorded in the Performance Appraisal. It has put an immensely bad impact on your working profile and can result in demotion or temporal reduction in salary as a reprimand if continued. This letter serves as a warning notice to you.

We are regretful for communicating to you in this way but the company cannot tolerate any unprofessional attitude and misdemeanors like the ones mentioned above. Write to us at [EMAIL].


Peck Williams
Deglor Group of Companies
Y-112, Skyic Building
Florida, USA

Size: 22 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later


#2: Layoff due to COVID

Re. Announcing Permanent Layoff from Work in the Recognition of Covid Restructuring

Dear Paul,

This letter has been written on behalf of the Special Research and Planning Committee (SRP-COVID). The team had been formed for the special analysis of Covid replication and counterpunch the losses created by the unprecedented virus and implemented lockdown. The lockdown implications and several other implications like work from home and a temporal ban on intra-city or inter-state transportation. Although it was done to intercept or hold back the rapid spread and transmission of the virus, it has yielded in great loss of business in economic terms.

To curb this situation, we formed a committee to analyze the situation, devise practicable policies, and possible measures to halt and retrieve the loss. For this, the SRP committee has generated a list of ten employees who will be laid off permanently. I am extremely sorry to inform you that your name is among those employees who have been laid off permanently.

Therefore, you will be working for one more month (August 20XX) and then you will be given gratuity and other benefits according to the layoff policies of the company. You can contact Human Resources to inquire about what has been included in your benefits list. Please write to us at [EMAIL] for further.

We understand the gravity of this situation and the trouble caused to you by the unexpected layoff. We apologize for not being able to accommodate you further. You are one of the most competent and professional employees, thus, we expect a bright future coming ahead as one closed-door shows many other opened channels. Thank you.


Helen Chandler
Assistant Manager
Graham and Jone
San Diego, CA

Size: 21 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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