Apology Letter for Lost Item
It is a common notion to borrow items from our friends or relatives. Losing out items can happen with us sometimes and on such an occasion, a quick apology is very important. Politely apologize for the loss and explain why you borrowed the item. Explain any reasons for the loss.
Mention that you are a very conscious person and take proper care of the belongings of other people and this does not happen frequently. Try to make up for the loss by either paying for the damages or purchasing the same item. Inquire about the concerns of the people about the loss and try to sympathize with the feelings of the loss.
I [name] from [department name] am writing this letter to apologize for misplacing the office laptop. Sir/Ma’am I went to the [name] market on [road] at [date]. I parked my car and went into the [name] grocery store.
When I came out, my car was vandalized and my laptop and mobile phone were stolen. I reported this incident to the police and then our company’s IT department who blocked the laptop to prevent any office data from being stolen.
I am very disturbed by the entire episode and extremely sorry for the loss of office property. I am ready to reimburse the office for the loss of the laptop and pay the charges.
Dear Madam Principal,
I [name] am writing this letter to tell you how extremely sorry my friends and I are for misplacing the school’s football. It wasn’t actually our class’s games lesson, we were playing with the ball in our break time after taking permission from our sports teacher, Mr. [name] when I accidentally kicked the ball too high. As I was standing close to the wall, the ball went outside the school ground and over the wall, onto the road.
We ran to the guard and asked him to bring the ball back from outside. At first, the guard did not listen to us and thought that we were joking, but finally, when we convinced him to go it was too late; the children living in the street opposite our school building had taken the ball and refused to give it back, and no amount of arguing or reasoning could make them return it to us.
This is why I could not return the ball to the school. I informed the sports teacher and the senior mistress, Mr. [name] and Ms. [name]. I am entirely willing to repay the school, either with money or by replacing the ball. I hope that you will accept my sincerest apologies.
My convocation was held two days ago and it was the best day of my life. We all have some memorable days and we want to look our best on special occasions. It has been very kind of you to lend me your wristwatch. I have always been very obsessed with wristwatches but I was never able to afford my favorite wristwatch as the money I saved was used to paying for my university fee.
So, I decided to borrow your watch as it matched my dress. I am a very caring person and I always keep my things with a lot of care. The convocation dinner ended very late and as soon as I came back home, I placed in your watch with a lot of care. But in the morning, I was not able to find your watch. I was looking everywhere for your watch and I had also been asking my family if they know anything about the watch.
I am very grateful to you for your effort to share your things with me. And I cannot apologize enough for losing your watch. I would like to know from where did you get that watch and I would like to buy it for you or else, I can also pay you for the loss.
[Your Name]
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Apology Letter for Lost Item
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