Audit Services Termination Letter

Auditors are mostly asked by businesses and some individuals to scrutinize financials and to arrange taxes. Most of the time, auditors do not prove coefficient and trustworthy and if they fail to execute their required services in the right way, it is a time for the company and business to send an audit services termination letter to the employee.

In case if the auditor has authorized a contract for a job then termination must be executed as per the rules and regulations discussed in the contract. If it’s not followed, then the auditor is in a capacity to initiate a legal contravention of the contract.

If you intend to fire the auditor, then to replace the previous auditor you should have another auditor to take up the position. This thing signifies that financial documentation remains active in all this process.

There are a few reasons to terminate the auditor. First, there are many individuals and business holders that do not apprehend financial documents. It requires skill, time, and professionalism to understand all this. For this purpose, employers hire an auditor. Unluckily, there are some auditors who do not let their employers know about financials. On the other hand, an efficient auditor provides all financial documentation and issues to the business holder in a simpler way that he understands easily. 

Secondly, it is an auditor’s responsibility to understand tax law and he should be able enough to assist the business owner in taking benefits of legal withdrawals. The auditor should keep in touch with the current update of tax laws. It is mandatory for text return to be accurate otherwise there could be significant consequences with the revenue service and if there comes any inconsistency then revenue service will run after the business holder, not after the auditor.

Thirdly, auditors can prove to be dishonest that may lead to many problems. He can misuse his authority by charging extra money. The best way to deal with it is to ask him to let you know about auditing. In case if they do not teach you basic auditing then it means that they are honest. Following is a sample for the termination of audit services. 

Sample Letter

Re. Auditing Services Termination

The purpose of writing this letter is to inform you about your termination from the post of auditor. As ventilated, this termination letter concerns with finalization that we had talked about on 12-09-20XX. Mr. Hutcheon does not need your services as an auditor now. Your services here at ABC Company were incredible and we cannot evaluate it.

As you know that Mr. Hutcheon is strategizing to revamp all its pecuniary sub-sections. This will result in the elimination of our prevailing accounting subsections outside the main offices, with overhauls in this respect being delocalized to a 2nd group organization that is ready to integrate our all requirements from the same source. This thing has now become crucial to the organization’s vastness objectives and calculations. We have given in enthusiastic exhortations on behalf of you to approach auditing service for the record. Similarly, we demand from you sign the encompassed agreement and give it back to the audit department. Hence you will be issued a dismissal wage check.

In case of queries and extra information, you can contact me at the email provided to you or you can visit my office situated in Brooklyn, 980. 

Thank you.


Resalt Nick
[email address]

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