Complaint Letter against College Professor for Harassment


Dear Mr. Joseph Brian, I wish to inform you that our physics professor, Mr. Shawn Ingrid has been harassing me for many weeks. He has been passing extremely inappropriate comments and has been sending me very unprofessional messages on my personal cell phone number. He threatened to fail me in my physics exam if I reported him or spoke about it to anyone.

I am writing this letter today to bring to light the harassment incident that happened last week which involved him making advances towards me and my friend in an extremely inappropriate and threatening manner.

I had chosen to stay quiet about this incident because I was scared that he will fail me in my test however after careful consideration, I have decided to come forward and report his behavior to you. I am not the only target of his unprofessional behavior, but he has been involved in multiple harassment incidents previously too. Many girls from my class have told me that he used the same warning of failing them in class after making suggestive remarks.

I request you to please investigate this matter as this is a matter of my reputation and that of this institution. I suggest that you take strict action against him and please replace him with another physics instructor for our class. I am willing to meet you in person and give you more details if you require.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Yours respectfully

Ms. Maria Lynn.

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Dear Mr. Andrew Collins,

I am a second-year bachelor’s student at Wolfson College, and I am writing this letter today to report our Maths professor Mr. Hank White for harassment. I belong to Asian ethnicity, and he has had a racist attitude towards me since the beginning of the term. He has called me names and made fun of the way my eyes look.

Yesterday after class, he said in front of the entire class, that I have a small brain due to my ethnicity which is why my grades have been poor for the last term. I suffered from Covid-19 during the last term, and I was unable to concentrate on my studies which resulted in my grades dropping. However, Mr. hank turned my illness into an opportunity to make racist comments about me.

Repeated harassment from Mr. Hank White has led to me being very demotivated and I avoid taking his class now. This has resulted in my attendance dropping from the threshold and I have been issued a warning. I request you to please look into this matter as this has started to affect my mental health. I am sure that my classmates will testify against Mr. Hank as they all heard his remarks.

If you wish to meet me in person and discuss the matter in detail, I am ready to do that as well. I have evidence of these incidents as well as I caught some of it on my cell phone camera. I look forward to your cooperation in this matter.


Ms. Zara Parker.

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