Disagreement Letter to a False Accusation

There are times when confusion and misunderstanding take place and thus give way to a mistaken accusation. Other times these accusations could be intentionally caused or created by someone. Whatever the case might be, if a person finds himself in such cases, where he is wrongly accused, he owns the right to speak rather he should speak for himself. This is a sample letter regarding a disagreement to a false accusation.

Letter -1

This letter is being written to the city court to inform the authorities about the false accusation against me last day of [DATE]. I strongly reject this accusation as it is a clear slander to put my reputation and credibility under observation which can damage my career and threaten my family’s security disgracing me in the whole community.

I am sending you along with this letter details that prove my innocence towards this humiliating matter. I am also consulting my lawyer and can sue this person according to US lawsuit article number [#num] for [X] years.

Kindly consider my request as soon as possible so that I and my family can stay at peace and sue this person after a proper search of the accusation so that no one can ever humiliate a person in that very manner.

Thanking you in anticipation!

Letter -2

Dear [Recipient’s name]

I am writing to you regarding the notification letter that I received yesterday. The notification says that I am being frequently absent from school and skip classes too. It was shocking to read such a letter in my name because the reality says otherwise. I have not been absent a single day for the last 3 months. You can check the attendance record to confirm.

As far as the skipping classes issue is concerned, I would humbly want to inform you that I do not skip any classes and my students can better stand witness for me in this case. I am uncertain who has provided you with these false details. Since it was my due right to speak for myself, I have written to you and I reject all that the notification letter included.

Kindly look into this matter and find some solution. I suspect that either the letter is mistakenly sent or someone has intentionally tried to create this misunderstanding. Since you are the principal and I have received the letter from you, I want you to give me an opportunity to clarify my position. For this, I shall be meeting you at your office on Monday. I hope you will give me some time from your busy schedule. Thank you!

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