Category: Disagreement Letters

Disagreement letter to false accusation

Disagreement Letter to a False Accusation

There are times when confusion and misunderstanding take place and thus give way to a mistaken accusation. Other times these accusations could be intentionally caused or created by someone. Whatever the case might be, if a person finds himself in such cases, where he is wrongly accused, he owns the right to speak rather he should speak for himself. This is a sample letter regarding a disagreement to a false...

Disagreement Letter regarding mistaken Bill

Disagreement Letter regarding mistaken Bill

You could be billed twice or thrice, billed half or could totally be left untouched by the billing authority even when there were dues to be paid by you. These all are mistakes since to err is human. Disagreement regarding billing can either be made face to face or by sending a letter of disagreement to the relevant authorities. In order to write a proper letter of this genre, it...

Disagreement Letter Regarding a Mistaken Deduction

Disagreement Letter Regarding a Mistaken Deduction

To write a disagreement letter of any type there are some general guidelines that should be followed to keep the letter as formal and professional as possible. Since it is not only your face-to-face interaction that leaves an impression on you but also your black and white. To write disagreement letters; Make sure you explain the matter in detail. Mention your disagreement and the argument to support it. Disagreements can...