Letter Announcing Surplus Budget to Upgrade Equipment

This letter is written to announce the good announcement of granting the surplus budget to perform the successful up-gradation of the equipment. The details regarding the budget should be clearly explained in the letter. Mention the amount of money clearly which has been granted as a surplus budget. You should also tell in the letter that your company will use this budget and what techniques will be adapted to consume the budget positively.

Another important piece of information is to tell how the company will access the budget. The main objective of writing this letter is to inform the reader that you are granting the surplus budget to the company and the reader should also be informed that this budget is only for the company and nobody else can use it. If you have imposed any other restrictions on this budget, you can mention all of them in the letter.


We are glad to inform you that our company has a surplus budget this year. The higher authorities of the company will inform shortly about the amount of budget which has been allocated to each department of the company. Although the funds are very limited yet I believe that they can bring a positive change in the progress of the company.

The surplus budget is the best way by which we can solve many problems which are encountered by our staff. All the ideas related to the use of the budget will be available by the end of this month and will be taken into consideration.


I am extremely thankful to all departmental heads for their careful planning. I am pleased to announce that we are left with a modest amount in our account. It is happening for the first time when we have a budget surplus. Although this budget is unrestricted, we want our managers to use it for upgrading or replacement of office machinery and equipment.

This is the way through which we can manage the burden of work and shorten the requirements to get work done. Within a week, all heads will receive a notification about the availability of amounts for them.

Please let this office know by the 15th of August which equipment should be upgraded or replaced first on a priority basis. If we don’t use this surplus budget by the 30th of August, it will be lost. So, you all are requested to prepare your proposals and put these on my table as soon as possible. In this way, I would be able to evaluate your needs and make the necessary purchases well before the deadline.

Please note that unused funds will be carried forward to next year’s budget. Since we don’t have plenty much time, prepare your proposals wisely keeping in mind your departmental needs. This is the golden time, and we cannot predict when this unique opportunity will be available to us again. Please take your time and let my office know if you need to replace or upgrade your office equipment. Your proposal must be accompanied by an application and justification for up-gradation.

Feel free to contact my office assistant if you need any help regarding the allocation of funds or the preparation of proposals.

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Over the period of the last six months, market prices fluctuated, and we have seen a significant decrease in prices. Due to this sudden downfall in market prices, we have a surplus budget in our equipment purchase and upgrade account. It clearly indicates the availability of extra money for our use. After a long and detailed meeting with senior management, we have decided to use this money to purchase the latest models of computers, photocopiers, and printers.

All concerned departmental heads are directed to assess their needs for upgrading their existing computers to faster ones. Note that surplus money will only be spent on buying hardware items, not software. So, if you need to upgrade your equipment or buy a new one, prepare your proposal wisely and send it to the office of the undersigned by the 31st of August. All such proposals must be accompanied by brief details as to how you will use the particular equipment.

We are excited because the working efficiency of our company is going to be expanded with new and upgraded equipment. We are also thankful to our managers, whose diligent efforts helped us stay within defined limits of the budget. Consequently, you have a budget surplus that can be used at your discretion.

The deadline for using the budget surplus is the 1st of September. Thereafter, unused funds will be carried forward to next year’s budget. You are therefore directed to prepare and submit your proposals well before the deadline so that your requests could be evaluated with ease.  



I am always available to answer your questions. For any queries or suggestions please contact or write to me at the email address given at the Contact Us page. I will be very happy to see your response to improve my effort. Thank you! *Please write to me at Contact Us for anything for which you were here on my website and could not find it. Your required stuff will be updated within 24 hours at maximum.

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