Letter of Apology for Stealing

The main objective of writing the apology letter is to ask for forgiveness. Apology letters are not common these days and they are not considered to be the mode of communication anymore. But still, most people prefer writing a letter for apologizing.

Writing a letter to apologize for stealing is a unique thing. If you have committed the mistake of stealing, then you can write a letter without any hesitation and ask for forgiveness by expressing that you are feeling sorry for it.

The language that you use in the letter should be polite since you are asking for forgiveness and it should be formal as well. Include the statements in the letter that can justify the reasons for stealing. At the end of the letter, apologize and also promise that you will not do it again.

Sample -1: Letter of Apology for Stealing

Stealing is a shameful act and I am very much ashamed of my action because of which I am writing this letter to you. I know this is the worst experience of my life but I have learned from it a lot.

I have understood that stealing is not a moral act and it never ends up in anything useful. Now I have realized that it was my biggest mistake of mine and I will never try to go through the same act again.

I want to apologize for stealing the [market stock] from [your shop]. I would like to say thanks to you for not getting me arrested by the police or taking any other legal action. I promise that I will not repeat any such shameful act ever again.


I want you to know that I am sorry for my shameful and heinous act of stealing your cell phone. I can only imagine your feelings after this incident. I know that any explanation cannot defend my immoral behavior. I am feeling extremely sorry while writing you this letter. Please accept my heartiest apology for the inconvenience you faced. I also value your patience with my act. You could have taken legal action against me but you didn’t.

Since that day, I am under a lot of stress and hesitating to meet you face to face. If I had thought about the consequences even for a single moment I would never have done such an act. I know I have made my head down in front of my colleague and management.

I have not even a single word to say in my defense. I know how bad it feels when you come to know that your best friend has stolen from you and that too when he has been the most trusted one. I truly regret my action which has caused me to steal from your drawer.

I cannot forget the support and care you provided me when I was new to this office. But, despite your support and true friendship, I went astray and performed this unlawful act. I regret my action and would like to say sorry. Please forgive me for considering it the first and last mistake of my life. I assure you this would never happen again and I shall be loyal to you throughout my life.

I hope you still have some space in your heart to forgive me.



With the deepest regret, I am writing you this letter and would like to say you sorry for the unlawful act of stealing from your office. I can only have an idea of how uncomfortable you must have been feeling at that time. I know that I have made myself liable for legal action after my unlawful act.

After listening to my colleagues, I came to know that you were upset because one of your most important documents was stolen by me. I remember you have been considering me as one of your trusted employees and helped me through thick and thin. On many occasions, you quoted my name as an example of an honest employee in front of the whole team. Now, it gives me a lot of trouble that I have caused your trust to break.  

I forgot while stealing that you were the person who guided me in the right direction. You have been among those persons who influenced my life in a positive way and I want to win your trust once again. I am taking full responsibility for my act without saying any word in my defense.

I understand that you take your importance seriously and was surprised when it was revealed through CCTV footage that it was I who stole your documents. I am enclosing your documents with this letter.

Please receive the deepest apology from my side. Please let me know anything else I can do to regain your trust. I assure you this will never happen again.

Thank you in anticipation for accepting my apology.



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