Lost Luggage Complaint Letter to Airline

Nowadays, the fastest transport is an airplane. It is giving benefit to trillion of people living in far off places from their families. In the case of any emergency, they can reach their beloved ones as soon as possible. All countries have now provided this facility to their nation. People along with things can benefit from this means of transport. The facility of the airplane is availed through the airline service.

An airline is an organization that provides air transportation for passengers and freight. The luggage is a matter of concern for the passengers. When buying a ticket the amount of luggage that can be carried is mentioned. For extra luggage, the additional charges are paid. Sometimes, people face the issue of lost luggage. In such cases, they need to put up a complaint to the airline office to find out their lost luggage.


I am writing to you in a lot of stress, as my entire luggage was lost by your airline on [date] as I traveled to UAE from Pakistan on flight number [number] which left from [name of city] airport at [time]. Before the flight, the entire luggage was checked in at [time] and I was given the receipt for receiving it on landing.

When we went to the luggage collection point at [airport name], we waited for three hours but our luggage didn’t arrive. I went to the checkout desk agent but he said that the issue must have been at the airport where the luggage was loaded onto the plane and if the luggage had been on the plane, it would have come out on the conveyer belt. He advised me to talk to the airline representative. He tried for half an hour then guided me to write to you so that you can look into the matter.

It is very upsetting as I am traveling with young kids and they need their warm clothes and stuff. Please resolve this issue swiftly as our trip has been spoiled and we are really worried about our luggage. Also, we have to leave UAE for Turkey in a few days but if we do not find our luggage, we would not be able to proceed with our travel plans.

Looking forward to swift action from your side.


I [name] am writing to register my complaint regarding my lost luggage. I took flight number [number] from [city] to [city] on [date] on your airlines. On arrival, however, I had to go through the agony of waiting for a considerable time at the luggage conveyor belt but could not find my luggage.

I immediately approached the concerned official Mr. [name] who after some inquiries informed me that my luggage had been erroneously forwarded to the next destination [name of city] as this was a connecting flight. He assured us that someone will be in touch with me shortly and give an exact time/date of retrieval of my luggage.

After having waited for 12 hours, I have not been contacted by anybody. I have made several calls to the airline’s helpline, each time re-directing me to the concerned department. However, I am yet to receive a definite answer as to when I can have my luggage back.

Not only is the lack of clarity reflective of an unprofessional treatment of passengers, but it is also a matter of extreme discomfort for a passenger without his personal belongings in an alien city. I request you to personally look into the matter and expedite the recovery of my luggage at the earliest.

Looking forward to a professional and expeditious response.


Donald Marvin
Block 45C, Sun Set Avenue, California.


Mr. James Cameron
Complaint Officer
Sky Top Airways.
12 St, Tenth Port Avenue, California.

Dear [Recipients Name],

I have freshly returned to California from Canada via Washington on flights AR 203 and AR 209. I had reached California on 13th July 20XX. My journey was safe and sound from Canada to Washington. My luggage was also all cleared at Washington airport. But, at the Washington Airport, the flight was delayed due to some technical issue.

After I reached my destination, I found out that one of my bags with tag number XX-00223 is missing. I went to the lost luggage counter immediately and gave them the details. The Person Mr. Rex told that they will contact me within 24 hours after tracing and resolving my issue. It is the 5th day I have had no response. It sounds much unprofessional.

I am much disappointed that a well-known airline in the state cannot resolve this little issue within the premises. Nowadays, technology has brought a lot of advancement that everything can be traced in a pie of a second. My baggage had valuable assets inside, I cannot afford to lose it. My number is (310)-467-8923. I hope that my bag will be located soon and returned.

I look forward to updates and compensation as well.


Donald Marvin


I am always available to answer your questions. For any queries or suggestions please contact or write to me at the email address given at the Contact Us page. I will be very happy to see your response to improve my effort. Thank you! *Please write to me at Contact Us for anything for which you were here on my website and could not find it. Your required stuff will be updated within 24 hours at maximum.

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