Requesting Boss to Come Late to Office


Subject: Seeking relaxation in office hours

Dear Sir,

I, Stewart, working as accounts assistant in your company, am forwarding my formal request to you to allow me to come late to office on 15th of October, 20XX. I would never have asked you for such relaxation but the reason behind is that my child’s school is organizing a parent teacher meeting and I have also been invited to attend it. My wife’s health is not good so she cannot attend the said meeting. Therefore, I have no choice left but to attend the said meeting because I have to discuss with teacher some issued pertaining to my child’s studies.

It will take me approximately two hours in order to attend the meeting and reporting back to office. I will reach office at 10 a.m. instead of 8 a.m. I promise with you at the same time that my working on that day will not be affected and I will stay after office timings until my work is completed. If, during my absence on said date, any query arises regarding my work, I nominate Mr. Johnson and he will deal with my work in that case.

Keeping in view all the above-mentioned circumstances, I request you again to grant me permission to come late to the office on the said date. I shall be very thankful to you and waiting for your positive response.

Yours affectionately,

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Subject: Request to come late to the office

Dear Sir,

My name is Hershel Gibbs and I am working as an assistant manager in your company. Through this letter, I want to forward my formal request to you to come late to the office for a period of one month. I am well aware of the fact that this is not an easy decision for you, but I am asking for such permission due to a problem I am facing nowadays.

The reason behind this is that my child has passed grade 5th examination in excellent marks. Now he has been promoted to grade 6th. His current school is located approximately 15 kilometers away from my home which is really a long distance for a child. Unfortunately, I have not been able to arrange for him a suitable transport yet. Also, I do not want to send him to school in public transport. If you give me one-hour relaxation in the morning timing of the office, I can drop him to his school in my own conveyance. For this purpose, I need your permission first.

I, therefore, request you to give me one-hour relaxation in my office arrival timing and allow me to come late to the office so that I would drop my child to his school safely.

With this request, I assure you that my official working will not be affected due to late arrival. I will either stay for an extra hour after office timings or work till completion of my daily tasks, whatever possible. Your permission in this regard will be a great virtue from your side and I am thanking you in anticipation of this act of kindness.

Yours sincerely,


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