Category: Pending Letters

Letter Announcing Action(s) against a Client Due to Non-Payment

Letter Announcing Action(s) against a Client Due to Non-Payment

Payments are to be made in time. In businesses, where everything is properly planned and documented, payment of dues should especially be made in time. But sometimes, businesses have to deal with the clients who are least responsible regarding payments. If a company serves a client for a project and provides other kinds of services or goods but the client does not come up with due payment in due time,...

Letter Informing the Employees about Office Closing

Letter Informing the Employees about Office Closing

Profit and loss are parts of the business endeavor. Companies have to take steps as per their financial conditions. Businesses are usually expanded and more branches are opened but contrary to this, sometimes, businesses have to contract their workplaces as well as workforce due to the circumstances that they face. Employees have their living dependent on the business of the employers for whom they work. It is, therefore, important that...

Letter Announcing Availability by Appointment Only

Letter Announcing Availability by Appointment Only

Business people have a tough and scheduled life. They cannot be reached at any time. Those who have a whole lot of work to manage, a company to run, and hundreds of employees, clients, and business partners to cater off must have everything scheduled. One unscheduled off-time meeting can disrupt their whole work plan. This is why it is suggested to take an appointment before meeting people with a busy...

Letter to Appreciate Efforts of Employee at Product Launch

Letter to Appreciate Efforts of Employee at Product Launch

One of the things that we crave, being humans, is appreciation. Julia A Carney in her poem little things points towards the importance of little things that we ignore; appreciation is one such little thing that we ignore in our lives. It does not take any effort and money to spend appreciating others for their good things. It is a well-known fact that appreciation encourages the appreciated person to do...

Letter of Appreciation to Staff

Letter of Appreciation to Staff for Various Reasons

Letter -1 I want to take a moment and appreciate your performance over the last few weeks. You have shown dedication, motivation, and persistence in completing the work assigned to you which resulted in meeting all the deadlines for our last few projects. I was very pleased to see the presentation which you all prepared for our clients. The presentation was very well researched, and prepared, and presented all the...

Letter to Apologize for Incorrect Billing

Letter to Apologize for Incorrect Billing

Anyone can make a mistake. Sometimes mistakes are made during billing or charging the clients. A bill is made twice, a wrong amount is charged or other such mishaps may occur. This happens either due to some issue with the calculation devices, computers, etc., or because of the negligence of the operator. In any case, nonetheless, it leaves an impression on the customer that the billing was intentionally made with...

Approval letter for extended leave request

Approval Letter for Extended Leave Request

Work leaves are seldom appreciated. A good employee is thought to be the one who takes the least leaves. Pardon me if I am generalizing things but I guess I am right. Since employees are humans, they have needs, emergencies to encounter, events to attend and celebrations to make, they want to go off and this is why nonetheless how hefty the workload of a business is, work leaves are...

Letter Persuading Employees to Avoid Eatables on Work Floor

Letter Persuading Employees to Avoid Eatables on Work Floor

Letter -1 We have found that many employees have been eating at the workspace. Leftover food items, empty food bags, and drink cans have been found after work hours from the office area. Moreover, footage from CCTV shows that some of you invite your friends over from other departments as well to join you for lunch in the office area. We condemn this act of unprofessionalism and warn all the...

Letter to Confirm Cancellation of Lost Credit Card

Letter to Confirm Cancellation of Lost Credit Card

A credit card allows a credit cardholder to make purchases within the limit granted by the bank. Since credit cards are just cards they can be lost or can easily be subjected to theft. In such a case, the purchases will no more be made by the cardholder but by the one who will find the card. This can bring a great loss to the cardholder since the card issuer...

Letter to Compliment Employee's Performance

Letter to Compliment Employee’s Performance

One of the things that humans crave is appreciation and to be complemented. In day-to-day business work, not all employees perform the same. Every business has different kinds of employees and while some perform on average, there are others that work exceptionally. It is, therefore, important to differentiate the hard workers from average workers by complimenting their performance. A compliment letter to an employee for his performance is written for...

Letter to confirm the promotion

Letter to Confirm a Transfer Promotion or Relocation

Businesses inform employees via letters if a transfer or allocation is made or a promotion is granted to an employee. Since documents are written proofs, they make the process of confirmation and reconfirmation easy. A letter of confirmation is sent to an employee to confirm the announcement or decision that he is, in most cases already aware of. The purpose of sending a confirmation letter is to confirm the decision...

Letter to Client Informing them of Check not received Yet

Letter to Client Informing them of Check not received Yet

I am writing this letter with reference to our verbal communication on call on 10th December 20XX. You were informed about the issue in payment regarding the November service. You informed us that you had sent a check for the payment of services for the month of November however our finance department informed us that the check had not been received. If you have already sent the check and think...

Letter to Confirm that an Error will be Corrected

Letter to Confirm that an Error will be Corrected

I [title] [name] am writing to you from [department name] in reference to your complaint that your details entered in the office database are incorrect. We sincerely apologize for this mistake. Although we had circulated an email to the entire office before uploading it to the database, requesting everyone to confirm the information entered against their name as it was easier to rectify the error then. No response to the...

Complaint Letter for Overcharge

Complaint Letter for Overcharge

It is a famous saying that “to err is human and to forgive is divine.” It means that errors and mistakes can happen to anyone. Even, the machines can have errors. The fact is that nothing is perfect in this world. Human beings are the most flexible creature on earth. This is the reason why mistakes happen from them. But it does not mean that one should always err willfully...

Letter Announcing Office Closing due to Financial Problem

Letter Announcing Office Closing due to Financial Problem

When the owner of the company decides to close the office due to financial problems, he should inform all the members of the staff. Since closing an office is something very serious¸ the letter is written in a serious and regretting tone. Adding the subject in the letter is very useful for the reader. The letter should appreciate the loyal employees who have been very sincere with the company even...

Letter announcing bad news to employees

Letter Announcing Bad News to Employees

Sample -1 I have been given the responsibility to announce this hard news to all of you. You all know that pandemic has hit hard across the globe. It has caused a severe economic crunch and pushed many renowned companies back onto their own feet. The same is true in our case. It is hereby announced with deep regret that the company’s turnover for the last fiscal year was very...

Complaint Letter for Unhealthy Drinking Water

Complaint Letter for Unhealthy Drinking Water

A healthy body brings a healthy mind and a healthy body is achieved with a healthy diet. Among healthy diets, water is the main constituent. Water is an essential ingredient in human life. The human body consists of 75 percent of water so it needs plenty of water intake in a single day. A proper intake of water keeps one away from almost ninety percent of severe illnesses and diseases....

Letter Asking a client to Submit more Documents

Letter Asking a client to Submit more Documents

Dear Sir/Ma’am. I [title][name] am writing to you about your project [project name] assigned to [organisation name] on [date]. Currently your [project name] is in [design/development/testing] stage. Our {department name} is working tirelessly on it. However, they have arrived at a point where they require [document name] for moving ahead with the [project]. They have been through the [documents] delivered at the time of project assignment but they require more...

Christmas holidays work schedule announcement letter

Christmas Holidays Work Schedule Announcement Letter

Letter -1 As you know Christmas season is approaching and everyone is busy preparing for their holidays. I would like to inform you all that we have prepared a Christmas holidays work schedule which will include five working days and ten holidays for all the employees. The schedule of work will be different for everyone as we must compensate for the alternate work schedule of the employees. I have attached...

Letter to Claim Insurance Due to a House Robbery

Letter to Claim Insurance Due to a House Robbery

Taking an insurance policy is easy, claiming insurance is not. People often face situations in which even a valid claim is not granted. The reason behind this is not always a dishonest insurer. Sometimes it is because people fail to make claims properly. For a claim due to house robbery, one needs to be quick after the incident takes place. A police report should be filed since the insurance company...