Letter to Manager Expressing Concern Over Project Deadline


I would like to say thank you for allotting me an important project. I am sure that I will prove my worth but there is a little problem that I want to share with you. I am concerned about the deadline for the project.

You have directed me to complete the project within 15 days but I am sorry to say that this particular project cannot be completed within that time limit specified by you because it involves a lot of file work coupled with extensive field visits in order to collect the data. Further, analysis of data, its interpretation, and then preparation of final reports are the most sensitive tasks included in this project.

I am sorry to say but the deadline you specified was not a realistic one. Some more days should have been added to complete the project in an efficient way. I have taken full responsibility for the project and know very well how much time it will take to be completed. I have attached to this letter raw data, some figures, a draft in a rough form, and a rough outline. These things are for you to have an idea where the project is standing right now.

I have a good experience of dealing with such projects in past and know very well that how much longer it will take in order to collect the data, to draw a conclusion, to prepare a final report and consequently, to complete such a project. Therefore, keeping in view this condition, I feel confident that 15 more days should be given to me to complete it as a whole. The final project report will be sent to your office by [date].

I regret any inconvenience you may face.

Yours sincerely,

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Subject: Expressing concern over project [X] deadline

Dear Sir,

I am Anderson, working as a data analyst in this office. Through this letter, I want to express my concern over the project deadline specified by you to complete that project which was allocated to me on [date]. Dear Sir, I am very sorry to say but the deadline does not seem a realistic one and the project is not that simple as anticipated by you. In order to complete this project in an efficient way, it requires a lot of file work and field visits.

I have vast experience of dealing with such long projects in the past and I have also calculated the estimated time for completion of this project. The estimated deadline according to me is [date] and I am confident to complete the project by the proposed date. I assure you once this delay issue is resolved and analyzed, I shall be able to complete the project quickly.

I regret any inconvenience which you may face but at the same time, I request you to show some flexibility over the deadline and grant me some more days in order to cope with unanticipated hurdles in the project.

I shall be very thankful to you for this act of kindness. If you have any queries regarding the project, you may ask any time.

Yours sincerely,

Size: 23 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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