writeletter2.com -Formal, Official and Professional Letters

Letter to Appreciate an Employee for a Successful Project

Letter to Appreciate an Employee for a Successful Project

The importance of teamwork in businesses cannot be negated. The whole setup of professional businesses is raised on the basis of teamwork. Individuals make a team and individuals are to be appreciated for good work generally as well individually. All mature businesses understand the importance of appreciating their employees when they come up with exceptional work so, in order to recognize the sincere efforts of workers appreciation letters are well...

Complaint Letter to Principal about Sports Coach

Complaint Letter to Principal about Sports Coach

Extracurricular activities are very important for a child’s mental and physical growth. A child can’t grow like normal individuals without taking part in extracurricular activities. Therefore, schools hire coaches and assign them the responsibility to provide necessary coaching to students. Apart from teachers, there are also many coaches hired by schools who coach and train students for delivering appropriate lessons to prepare them for various sports activities. The main job...

Apology Letter for Prank

Apology Letter for Prank

We all are very fond of playing pranks with our friends, colleagues, and relatives. But sometimes, our pranks can go the other way around, and rather than creating humor, they can become a cause to hurt people. Such an apology should show how much we regret the prank we have done. By writing an apology letter, we try to show people that we care for them and our actions were...

Letter to Confirm an Authorization given to someone

Letter to Confirm an Authorization given to someone

You may own authority over something and may sometimes have to transfer that authority temporarily or permanently to somebody else. For this reason, authorization letters are written. Authorization letters are also legal letters which means they can be used as legal proof in case needed. The already granted authorizations at times have to be refreshed by writing confirmation of authorization letters. In such a letter, the sender mentions the matter...

Letter Apologizing for Missing the Registration Deadline

Letter Apologizing for Missing the Registration Deadline

Registrations are important in fact very important. The purpose of registration is to get the details of the applicants, have an idea of the number of people applying, and most importantly to complete official requirements and formalities. Registrations are open for a particular duration and once they are closed, you are supposed to have missed your chance. But it is not as serious always. Sometimes, you can make an apology...

Recommendation Letter for a Colleague

Recommendation Letter for a Colleague

A letter of recommendation is what is also called a reference letter. Recommendation letters are written in order to assist people to get good jobs, getting selected for training programs, joining workshops, etc. Sometimes, recommendation letters are also written for procedures like adoption, etc. There is no set format for a recommendation letter, however, the writer or the person who is recommending should write this letter in a convincing tone....

Personal Reference Letter for a Friend

Personal Reference Letter for a Friend

Your reference letter for your friend could prove a great deal of help to him in order to get approval for a job, get into a training program, initiate a business partnership, etc. While writing a reference letter, be sure that a reference letter is not merely a paragraph of a few lines requesting the person to consider your friend because he’s your friend. That’s, of course, insane since he...

Letter to Request a Personal Loan Payment

Letter to Request a Personal Loan Payment

Everyone faces some kind of financial crisis in some instances of his life. In such situations, a loan is the most used helping hand. A loan from a bank is taken or a friend is requested to grant financial help via loan. But in this loan story, the interesting point comes when some people forget to repay the loan after taking it. This ‘forgetfulness’ is not always intentional but in...

Request Letter for a Copy of Birth Certificate

Request Letter for a Copy of Birth Certificate

A birth certificate is an official and legal document that is used to record the birth details of an individual. It is one of the first documents that are made after one is born and keeps having importance until an alternate document to be used in its place is issued. Because the document is important, it should be kept with utmost care. Sometimes, even though kept carefully important documents are...

Board of Directors’ Acceptance Letter 0

Board of Directors’ Acceptance Letter

The person who sends this letter is one from a higher post and a member of top management. He is supposed to write this letter in proper business terminology and language. He must also be careful when choosing the formal and official pattern, as it is quite important. Writing a board of directors’ acceptance letter is a tough job, but only a person who knows the informal and formal language...

Letter Announcing Transition to Permanent Employment 0

Letter Announcing Transition to Permanent Employment

Businesses want to make sure that the employees who work with them have enough potential to make their business successful. As a careful approach, most businesses do not hire employees permanently. Instead, they choose to hire them on a temporary or contract basis. If an employee’s performance is satisfactory by the end of the contract or the company finds the employee suitable for their business, their type of employment is...

School fee increase announcement letter 0

School Fee Increase Announcement Letter

Schools and colleges, when raising the fee, announce the increment in fee through a fee increase announcement letter. This letter not only informs about the increase in fee amount but also mentions the reason why the fee has been increased. The official announcement reduces the chances of any conflicts between the institute management and the parents/guardians of students at the time of payment of fees since they are already informed...

Vacation or Leave of Absence Approval Letter 0

Vacation or Leave of Absence Approval Letter

A leave of absence is different, as a leave of absence is a long period that an employee takes, while a usual leave from work is a short-term absence. In this time of increasing competition, employees have been loaded with more work. A time comes when an employee seeks to refresh himself, give time to his family, enjoy a vacation, or take time off from work just to stop a...

Company name change announcement letter 0

Company Name Change Announcement Letter

This is a letter that a company writes to its customers. In this letter, the company informs its customers that they are changing their name for some reasons. There may be various reasons for changing the name of the company. For example Below are some letters to help you. #1 Hello to all our customers who have been trusting us for two decades. This letter/email is to inform you of...