Positive Letter to Contractor that has Damaged Property

A lot of times when you cannot take care of your property or renovate it on your own, you hand it over to a freelance contractor or a company to do the job for you.

This company or contractor is responsible for not only renovating, or whatever the motive is, your property but also keeping it in good shape and saving it from any kind of damage.

When the contract between the property owner and the contractor is signed, all the relevant details are also discussed. From the contractor’s commitment to insurances to a penalty in an unfortunate case of any damage, both parties sit down to finalize these legal matters.

Ground realities, quite shockingly, turn out to be quite different than the ideal situation individuals at both ends have in mind. Sometimes, unwanted damage happens to the property unintended by the contractor.

Since all the entailments were also covered in the contract, the company or the contractor now has to pay the price as per the terms and conditions.

Keeping the protocol, as a property owner, you must address the issue professionally by writing a letter to your contractor. In this letter, you may first write down the damage caused to your property by him/her followed by the terms and conditions both parties signed upon.

You can politely but firmly remind the contractor that he has to pay the fine according to it. The fine depends on the severity and magnitude of the damage. If your property is not damaged much, being lenient towards the contractor will prove to be beneficial for you as well.

While writing the letter, make sure you don’t sound like you are taking advantage of the situation and cashing out your loss. Stay precise and demand only that is justified.

Following is a draft you can take notes from for sending a positive letter to the contractor that has damaged property.

Sample Letter

ABC Builders, (company name)

Dear Smith, (contractor’s name)

I am writing this letter to you with good intentions to address the issue of my property damage caused by you earlier this week.

You were assigned the contract of renovating my backyard and sunroom with the consent of your company (mention the company’s name). Your job was to make my sunroom a family place to sit down and relax while taking sunbath and the backyard was to be changed into children’s’ play area.

However, as I witnessed, the floor of my sunroom has been damaged and there is also some wreckage in my backyard. Moreover, you did not notify me of any of this.

As per our contract, I am entitled to reclaim my damage insurance and penalize you but I will not opt for this. I request you to please fix the problems and continue with the project as you were before.

It would be great if you could finish the project as early as possible as I and my family are having a difficult time without our sunroom and backyard.



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