Complaint Letter for not Getting Promotion

It is a general responsibility of the CEO of the company to keep motivated the men under him. In this way, he can retain experienced people and lead a successful life keeping the company name higher. Keeping the motivation level high is a challenging task but two basic needs are required to be updated all the time. One is annual salary increments and the second is the promotion. These two are the main remedial actions to keep the people devoted to their company. Otherwise, as soon as people will get experience, they will opt for better designation and better salary in any other company.

So the best idea is to keep hold of your men through better salary and timely promotions. On the other hand, an employee can also follow the procedure to approach his boss for his timely promotion in the company. Therefore, a letter with supporting documents may be written to the CEO to highlight the promotion-related issue.


I want to register my complaint against the unfair treatment I have received. My junior who joined on [date], two years later than me has been promoted. Apart from my seniority, I also have the honor of having three major projects to my credit. All this was ignored and I was denied promotion which is extremely unfair and demoralizing.

I have been burning the midnight oil and putting all my efforts into upgrading the database of the company which is the latest project assigned to me but now I feel extremely dispirited as all my efforts seem to be in vain. I feel that my hard work is not seen or recognized and I am wasting my talent by working in an organization that does not recognize or reward diligence.

I am attaching the excellence certificates I have received over the years and the feedback on my submitted projects. Please look into this matter as only by treating all employees equally and giving promotions on merit can an organization promote a culture of loyalty resulting in increased productivity.

Looking forward to your kind consideration.


I joined this school back in [date] as a junior teacher. I have worked very hard and have been improving my skills by attending the in-house teacher training workshops and courses as well as using the resources available on the internet. I have been teaching mathematics to the outgoing batch of O-level students for the past five years and their outstanding result is proof of my hard work and diligence.

Despite all this, I was very disappointed when I was not selected as a coordinator for the senior branch, and a junior who has much less experience in teaching and handling students was promoted instead. Madam promotion on merit ensures that the employees work hard and give their best to the job assigned. When an employee feels appreciated they work more diligently. Also, the security that one would be compensated fairly for the time and effort they are putting in, is a great motivator.

Please look into this matter and resolve this issue as it is causing unrest and dissatisfaction in the faculty.

Looking forward to your kind consideration and swift action.


Smith Wordsworth
12 St Hill Top Avenue, Chicago


Mr. Peter Chuckles
Abrocome Corporation
Block 32D, Race Course Avenue, California.

Dear [Recipients Name],

I hope you are doing well. I have been working in your company for last eight years and I had been last promoted to the designation of chargeman four years ago. As per the terms and conditions signed by the employee he will get a promotion after every three years subject to disciplinary action during this time.

It is prudent to highlight that I have got a good annual report during my tenure and won the best worker award last year. There is no disciplinary action against me and I had qualified for the board exams for the next designation. But it has been more than one year that my promotion is still not confirmed. I have discussed with the deputy manager several times to raise my case for promotion but every time I am being dictated a new story regarding terms and conditions. Therefore, it is my humble request to take my case and I should be promoted on an urgent basis.

Looking forward to your kind concerns.


Chargehand, Abrocome Corporation.


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