Complaint Letter for Product Did Not Arrive

Improvement in production needs focuses the attention of higher management. It not only depends on the human resource management but also the timely availability of the raw material for the final product. Human resource management and availability of raw products work in a chain. Production pace is hampered if a single of them is not available. Human resource management means the right person for the right job and availability of raw products means the right product and its traceability for the smooth running of production.

Therefore, both factors are interlinked with each other and strong management is needed to timely manage these factors to flourish the company. Human resource management is an internal matter but ordering raw material and on-time availability is a tricky task that involves outer sources also.

In this view, it is recommended to sign a contract with the company who is providing the raw material, so that the case can be filed in the case of late delivery.


I want to register my complaint regarding order number [number]. I had placed an order for a new school bag on your website on [date]. This was at the beginning of my daughter’s summer vacation and I felt that there was ample time for you to deliver it before her school started.

Today on [date] at the time of writing this letter I still have not received my order. My daughter’s school starts in two days and I have no option but to buy her one from the market tomorrow. My daughter really wanted that same bag as it has her favorite cartoon character’s images and as she has been waiting for it for such a long time, she is very disappointed.

This is highly unprofessional and dishonorable. I did not expect such poor service from a brand of your stature. I checked twice over these months and I was always told that the package had been sent and it is on its way. I had already paid through bank transfer so all I could do was wait but now I cannot wait any longer as the school is starting in a few days.

My daughter had selected a lunch box, a water bottle, and a stationery pouch of the same theme to match with her bag but after this horrible experience, we are not going to order anything else from your website. Please refund my amount for if it arrives after tomorrow I am not going to receive it as it is useless for me after I buy one from the market. I am sharing my bank details.

Looking forward to a positive response and better service next time


I had placed an order for a pair of riding shoes on your website on [date]. My order number was [number] and I was promised delivery within fifteen days. It has been two months and I still have not received my order.

As you know that riding season is coming to an end with the hot summers approaching fast. If my riding shoes come after May they are of no use to me till winter comes. I had heard very highly of your products and hence agreed to pay more than the market rate for them but your poor service has disappointed me.

I have been waiting for the shoes now for so long and I have spent this spell of riding in my old shoes which are very uncomfortable as I have grown out of them but I did not buy a new pair in the hope that the pair I have ordered from you would arrive any day.

Needless to say, you have let me down and I want to inform you that even my order gets delivered now, I would not receive the package or pay for it. Neither am I going to order from you again.

In this day and age, word of mouth travels fast. It takes one viral post on social media to destroy a business built over decades so, for your own good, I would request you to improve your service lest you end up losing your clientele which would be a shame as your products are actually very good. Looking forward to a positive response and some improvement in your service quality.


Belloc Construction Company
Ken Clinton.
21 St. Orchard Avenue, California.

June 13th, 2017

Mr. Jack Peterson
Supply Manager
Tesco Cement Company
15 St. Bridge Avenue, California.

Dear [Recipients Name],

I hope you are enjoying your health. I have ordered two hundred sacks of cement via order no AS-99/17 on 22nd March 2017 which was supposed to reach the company within the duration of one week as per contract. I have also released the 50% payment at the time of order but it is the second week that I am waiting for the product to arrive. It is pertinent to highlight that company is already short of cement as a raw material for the product and many orders are delayed due to the shortage of cement.

Many of our clients have written complaint letters in this regard. If the situation prevails the same, then we must cancel the contract with you and must file a petition against your company upon loss suffered by our company due to non-arrival of the product. It is submitted that solve the issue as soon as possible to avoid any inconvenience.


Ken Clinton.

Operations manager, Belloc Construction Company.


I am always available to answer your questions. For any queries or suggestions please contact or write to me at the email address given at the Contact Us page. I will be very happy to see your response to improve my effort. Thank you! *Please write to me at Contact Us for anything for which you were here on my website and could not find it. Your required stuff will be updated within 24 hours at maximum.

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