Complaint Letter for Smoking

Smoking is becoming very common. Especially, young boys are adopting it as a fashion. They start the experiment from their school time and then they become addicted gradually. The youngster’s company also matters a lot. This habit develops much faster when one is having the company of addicted smokers. Smoking is dangerous for health. It simply damages the health and, addiction leads to mental illness also. The people in the surrounding chain smokers become passive smokers. They also get the dangerous effects of smoking even though they are not smoking.

In schools, colleges, universities, offices it is strictly prohibited. As well as in big malls, kids’ playland, and cinemas it is prohibited. The media also plays a good role in telling the negative effects of smoking. When someone tries to break the rule of prohibition in specific places, a complaint should be done against them. And, strict actions should be taken against them.


I want to register my complaint against what I experienced on [date] when I visited your laboratory to get some tests done. I had to travel abroad and the airline in accordance with the government policies required a Covid test done twenty-four hours before the flight. When I reached the laboratory it was pretty crowded. There were people of all ages from the elderly to young kids. I was shocked to see the security guard and some of the visitors smoking openly.

This is highly condemnable as being a health care facility your staff should be aware of the disadvantages of passive smoking better than anyone. There were pregnant ladies present there as well and as you know that if the mother is exposed to secondhand smoke, the unborn baby also gets affected. In children, passive smoking increases the risk of respiratory illnesses, including asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

While I do not expect the security guard and all visitors to understand the aforementioned aspects of public smoking, the fact that a reputable health service provider fails to supervise and check such irresponsible behavior is even more shocking. Accordingly, I have also forwarded the same complaint along with pictures of the security guard smoking in your health lab to the district public health office. I am sure you will investigate the matter at the earliest and check such irresponsible behavior at your outlets.


I visited your restaurant with my friends on [date]. We were there for your Hi-tea buffet and were looking for a calm and relaxing evening to catch up but what greeted us was disgusting cigarette smoke by some visitors. It spoiled the mood and we requested the manager on duty to stop these men which he blatantly refused to do. His reasoning was that they were customers and he could not offend them. We were left with no choice but to leave with a bad taste.

This is a very important issue and it requires your immediate action. The dangers of passive smoking are known to all and in a public space like a restaurant where the visitors include pregnant ladies, children, and elderly people, it is very important that such activities must be banned as they put everyone’s health at risk. Also, it destroys the ambiance of the place as everyone apart from the smokers gets irritated and disgusted by the cigarette smoke.

Please direct your staff to stop anyone smoking in the main hall if necessary, separate seating area for smokers can be provided but to put everyone’s health at risk just to please a few customers is not a wise move.

Looking forward to positive action from your side.


Robert Jackson
Block 37C, Crown Avenue, Los Angeles.


Mr. Evan Brandon
General Secretary
Creek Club
36 St. Fifth Sun Rise Avenue, Los Angeles.

Dear [Recipients Name],

I hope you are doing well. I am a member of your club for five years. I come along with my family every fifth day. We are greatly satisfied with the kid’s swimming suite, gymnasium and tennis court. In addition, we take dinner here on weekly basis. Two days ago, I found a serious problem. I found two persons smoking in the kid’s swimming suit.

I was amazed when I saw it for the first time. I tried to talk to them and inform them that it is strictly prohibited. But, they replied much arrogantly and rudely. I need you to take strict action against them. Smoking is just a disaster to the person as well as to the passive smokers.

It looks so inappropriate and awkward to do such things in the areas specified for kids. It is not only an issue for my kids solely, dozens of kids are suffering. As a member, it is my responsibility to inform you timely. Please take quick and strict action against them.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Robert Jackson


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