COVID Return to Work Letter

Sample -1

Subject: COVID return to work letter

Dear Employees,

Being CEO of XYZ Company, first of all, accept my heartiest gratitude due to the reason that we have survived the COVID-19 and that I will be happy to see you all safe and healthy.

The period of intensive lockdown was cruel in the sense that it had restricted all of us to our homes and we were not able to meet with our near and dear ones. It had developed in us a great sense of unknown fear that the virus could come from anywhere. Now, since its intensity has lowered down many times, the government has allowed all the offices to be reopened following comprehensive self-safety SOPs. I want you all to consider this letter as a formal notification informing you about the reopening of the office from the 15th of August, 20XX.

It must also be noted that office timings have been changed right from the first day of the reopening of the office. It will be 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Keeping in attention the new office timings, you all are directed to get back to work on the said date and time.  Company has taken the following steps in order to eliminate the virus

  • Employees will not be served breakfast and meals in the dining hall, Instead of dine-in, take away service will be followed as per directions of the government.
  • Departmental offices have been equipped with the sanitizers at visible places.
  • The provision of fumigants to eliminate all kinds of microbial mass has also been made possible.  

On the other hand, employees will be expected to observe the followings;

  • Wearing of masks and disposable gloves have been made compulsory within the office premises.
  • Social distancing must be practiced in a true sense as per the direction of the government.
  • In case particular symptoms appear in any employee, he/she will communicate with the medical officer of the company.
  • Likewise gathering of four or more people at a place has been banned by higher officials of the company.

I hope you all will get back to work on the said date and observe all the guidelines which have been laid down by the government in order to cope with the virus. I wish you all the best of luck for your future journey.

Yours truly,

Size: 22 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later


Sample -2

Subject: COVID return to work letter

Dear employees,

I hope you all will be enjoying best of the health. As we all know that with a considerable decrease in the reported cases of COVID 19, the government has allowed al the public and private sector offices to be opened from the 15th of August, 20XX. Through this letter, all of you are being informed to get back to the office on the said date. Office timings will be from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and at the moment, only 50 percent of the staff will be kept busy for routine work (list of the employees is attached to the letter).

Keeping in view the government directions, the following guidelines must be followed in order to keep the virus away and to eliminate the further outbreak of the pandemic:

  • Clean and sanitize your hands intensively.
  • Keep a minimum distance of 6 feet from each other.
  • All of you must be wearing your face masks and gloves throughout your stay at the office premises.
  • Frequent communications of all kinds are hereby being restricted and limited.
  • A complete ban is being imposed on the gathering of 3 or more employees together at a time at any place.

I know that these changes are stressful and one takes time while adjusting to these but you must know that these are helpful at the same time to save us from the cruel virus.

Moreover, you are directed to carefully read the pamphlets regarding symptoms of COVID-19. If any of the employees feel that he is developing any of the symptoms, he/she must stay home after consulting with the medical officer of the company and informing the duty supervisor.

Yours Sincerely,

Size: 23 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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