Letter Persuading Employees to Maintain Cleanliness
I hereby declare this letter to you on behalf of your colleagues and other co-workers. A complaint against you has been submitted by them that you do not follow the rules about avoiding the eatables and food on the workplace and your work desk.
You are working in this company for six months almost now. This is a general practice to avoid eatables in working hours and simply followed by every company as well. We always emphasized the maintenance and tidy work floor so that endeavor goes in an organized manner.
Having eatables on the desk floor not only troubles others but also can be distracting for your own objective. We have never received such kind of dissents from any of the other co-workers or employees here. Few clients also prove to be conscious about the cleanliness and hygiene of the surroundings in the office. It’s an individual’s duty to follow the basic rules and fulfill the requirements of the company.
Your record has always been so clear and apt in every other criterion as well and we expect you not to take this notice for granted. They are simple rules and such nuisance at this point of your career will only add the negative points in your previous well-certified achievements and well professional attitude.
We want you to kindly stay bothered with this letter and keep the requirements to company’s instructions.
For and on behalf of
Company Name
HR manager

Size: 14 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later
Ref No. Letter/Gen/0002
The Employee Name,
This is a written notice for you to take serious attention to the complaint we verbally did before. You were found having food on the work desk during the important working hours. It’s a clear warning for you to pay heed to it now.
Our coordinator witnessed this also a few days before and he did warn you at the spot which is even added to your file too and you accepted and apologized for being non-serious about this issue but sadly it happened again a day before yesterday.
The work in our office demands much attention and devotion from each employee. Every company has some strict and general rules that needed to be followed by everyone for their own good as well as for the company’s impact in a positive way.
These issues seem lighter on the side but they count for an employee’s professional attitude and approach towards his duty. The workmanship is highly involved in maintaining the environment of the surroundings while working in groups. Other co-workers also get distracted by one individual and the manner of working clearly gets disturbed and troubled.
Moreover, paying extra focus on the cleanliness and tidiness is anticipated from the retainers is our expectancy.
We are in a good hope that you will grab this notice intently and positively and will obey the general as well as peculiar guidelines of our company.
For and on behalf of
Company Name
HR manager

Size: 14 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later