Letter to Cancel Contract for Poor Workmanship

When service providers hire employees, they make sure their employees are potential and competent enough to satisfy the need of the customer. While some contracts are canceled because people no more need them or they find a better service provider, many contracts are canceled merely due to the poor workmanship provided by the contractor or the service provider.

Since one has to pay for the work that is being done for him, he is concerned about the quality of the work. A cancellation letter can be written to the contractor if one is not satisfied with the services being provided.

It is, however, important to keep the tone ethical and to give the reason why would you want to cancel the contract so that in case the higher authorities are unaware of the type of work their agents are doing, they may look into the matter to fix the problems.


I am writing to inform you that I wish to cancel your service contract with immediate effect. I am not satisfied with the quality of work your crew has been doing in my apartment.

I gave your company full responsibility for renovations and paint change in my apartment, and you had full access to my place for three days. I moved away for some time to give your crew space to do the work in peace.

However, I am beyond disappointed to see the work progress so far through pictures sent by one of my friends. The paint job was done extremely poorly, and patches of paint can be seen which a different shade are the rest of the wall. My friend who took the pictures was informed that the work on that wall has been completed. Therefore, that patchy state of the wall was the product which is extremely disappointing.  

In addition, there are paint splatters all over my furniture and other belongings. Your crew did not bother to cover my belongings before beginning the job. I am very upset with the situation at my apartment, and I will be returning tomorrow to have a meeting with you in person.

I know that another day of service is still left however, I do not wish to continue business with your company and want to cancel my service contract immediately. I look forward to having a meeting with you on my arrival to discuss this in detail.



I am writing to inform you of my grievances regarding the quality of service your company has provided me. I wish to cancel the service contract with your company due to poor workmanship. I hired the services of your company for cleaning and disinfecting my apartment as there was a bug infestation.

I regretfully inform you that even after two visits from your company the infestation has still not cleared up. There is a strange smell that is constantly present in my apartment and the bugs are still there too. The smell of the chemicals is of great concern to my family and me as it is a health hazard to us. In addition, the bugs seem to have gotten more active as we can see them during the day too as opposed to them coming out only during the night.

I am not satisfied with the workmanship of your company and wish to have an explanation of this. I would like to invite you or any of your company’s officials to visit my place and see the problem for yourself. I have contacted another company that will deal with the bugs using their own methods.

They will start their work on Wednesday, so I request you to please take your chemicals and other belongings from my apartment. Do let me know when we can have a one-on-one meeting to discuss the termination policy and payments in detail.

Thank you and regards.


Dear [Recipient’s name]

I’m sorry but my hopes are shattered to see the quality of work provided by the [Hook & Shook] plumbers. Two of your employees are working at my house to fix the sanitation issues.

Let me tell you while they completed the work on the ground floor and moved to the first floor the water again started leaking from the pipes of the ground floor. They are working and the issues have started coming out again, what do I expect for the coming weeks? In fact, more leakage has started than it was before and if this continues, I fear I’ll be floating in a flood soon.

For all these reasons, I find no solution but to cancel my contract with you. Kindly call your men back since I have to look for another service to resume the work. Thanks!



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