Acceptance letter of invitation to speak at a literature club

A literature club is an organization for students exclusively interested in a culture like dramas, films, poetry, novels, internet culture etc. for which debates and discussions and forums are held.

It results in various grooming activities in the form of a pyramid. This pyramid consists of self-confidence, speaking power, decision making power, awareness of social and economic issues, fair dealing and understanding of the nature and type of problem.

These all things help in building a strong personality with a view to achieving success in every walk of life. For speaking in literature club, professionals are invited. The invitation is polite and requesting. The topic, location, date, and timings are mentioned.

In the same way, while accepting invitation one should also be responsive in confirming dates, timings, and venue etc. He can also inform about any additional types of equipment if needed. Fees can also be discussed. And other relevant details regarding the travel can also be discussed.

Acceptance letter of invitation to speak at a literature club

Education University
Nicholas Nathaniel
32 North St. Tenth Renton Avenue, Texas

I hope you are doing well. I have received the letter of invitation to speak on the topic “Entrepreneur’s Success Secret” at Clifford literature club on 20th April 2017 in San Francisco at 5:30 p.m.

I thank you for inviting me to speak. I will be leaving Texas on 18th April 2017. I have received the hotel reservation details. I will need a projector along with sound system.

In addition, I have added a sub-topic along with my presentation and speech which I would deliver after the lunch break. I hope the audience will find it interesting as it is in the form of documentary.

I would like to see the arrangements on the previous day. I am sure you will make it happen. I hope to have a wonderful day together. And I hope that the audience will find a great help from it.

See you soon.


Nicholas Nathaniel.
HOD Management Department, A&M University.

Download Details:

Acceptance Letter of Invitation to Speak at a Literature ClubAcceptance letter of invitation to speak at a literature club

Size: 52 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later

Mobile Version: Polaris Office & Google Docs
Size: 21 KB File

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I am always available to answer your questions. For any queries or suggestions please contact or write to me at the email address given at the Contact Us page. I will be very happy to see your response to improve my effort. Thank you! *Please write to me at Contact Us for anything for which you were here on my website and could not find it. Your required stuff will be updated within 24 hours at maximum.

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