Category: Acceptance Letters

Acceptance Letter for a Lunch Event

Acceptance Letter for a Lunch Event

Organizing events need a great deal of work and attention. Then they can become successful. Nowadays, people are becoming much more responsive to events. It is a great source of gathering in the busy schedule of life. Family events give long-lasting pleasure and memories. Such kind of events becomes part of life’s best memories. Apart from family and cultural events, people enjoy educational, fundraising, and social events with full interest....

Acceptance Letter to Speak at a Conference

Acceptance Letter to Speak at a Conference

Since our childhood, parents and teachers try to build up confidence that is needed in every walk of life. One cannot perform well in life until the time his confidence level is not high. He should be able to convey his feeling or thoughts confidently. Therefore, our schools and colleges hold a different competition of dramatics and speeches, etc. to enhance the confidence level and build up speaking powers in...

Annual Dinner Participation Acceptance Letter

Annual Dinner Participation Acceptance Letter

Different kinds of gathering have a great deal of building relations. Nowadays, trends of social parties and dinners are gaining wide acceptance. People are more committed to accepting and attend these valuable gatherings. Annual dinners of schools, colleges, and universities help in career opportunities and business expansions. In the busy schedule of life, all people like to attend gatherings for recreation and making new social circles. Annual dinners need to...

Acknowledgment Letter for Return of Company's Property

Acknowledgment Letter for Return of Company’s Property

1- I am Roshan Nexia, former Assistant Multimedia Manager, Teleonomies Multimedia Group of Company. I am writing this letter to respond/reply to the letter I received from the HR Department of the company. I intend to confess the responsibility inflicted upon me by the HR Manager of the company who penned to remind me to return the company’s property I was bestowed with the designation of Assistant Multimedia Manager.  I...

Letter Undertaking the Company’s Property by Employee

Undertaking Letter on Company’s Assets Received

Re. The undertaking of the Company’s AssetsDear Mellow, I am penning this letter to undertake that I have received the items mentioned below. I am Relenza Duck from Newt Street California and I am freshly appointed to the designation of the Assistant Registrar in Melbourne Group of Insurance. I hereby undertake that I have been given these items only to facilitate me as an employee and they do not belong...

Acceptance Letter of Invitation to Speak at a Literature Club

Acceptance letter of invitation to speak at a literature club

A literature club is an organization for students exclusively interested in a culture like dramas, films, poetry, novels, internet culture etc. for which debates and discussions and forums are held. It results in various grooming activities in the form of a pyramid. This pyramid consists of self-confidence, speaking power, decision making power, awareness of social and economic issues, fair dealing and understanding of the nature and type of problem. These...

Acceptance Letter of Invitation to Speak or Perform

Acceptance Letter of Invitation to Speak or Perform

Invitations can be personal or professional. Personal invitations are for events like birthday parties, wedding parties, family functions etc. Professional invitations are for events like seminars, conferences, graduations, official dinners, and parties etc. For all these invitations, letters or cards are used. It creates a good impression. The birthday party or wedding party invitations are so colorful and appealing. The greetings and salutation are also added. The formal invitations need...

Acceptance Letter for Admission

Acceptance Letter for Admission

It is always a matter of great pleasure when you receive an acceptance letter from some educational institute that you have been dreaming of studying for so long. After receiving the letter, the next step is to write a good acceptance letter in its response. It must be well written in formal terms showing a little bit of your excitement and gratitude about getting the acceptance letter from your desired...

Board of Directors’ Acceptance Letter 0

Board of Directors’ Acceptance Letter

The person who sends this letter is one from a higher post and a member of top management. He is supposed to write this letter in proper business terminology and language. He must also be careful when choosing the formal and official pattern, as it is quite important. Writing a board of directors’ acceptance letter is a tough job, but only a person who knows the informal and formal language...