Letter Requesting School Science Lab Upgrade

Sample -1

I hope you will be doing well. My name is Anderson, a student of O-Level. On behalf of my whole class, I am requesting you to upgrade our school’s science laboratory through this letter. Most of the equipment, being used in the laboratory, is broken and we have noticed that some of them are even rusted and seem that these have never been washed properly.

Usually, in such a condition, equipment loses its reliability and does not remain usable. But I regret to say that we have to perform the practical work with some old and rusted instruments which are not good.

The laboratory is left with only a few chemicals and measuring instruments such as meter rods, measuring tapes, etc. Learning new things and gaining new knowledge through experimentations has become impossible for us in such a poorly conditioned laboratory and we are not gaining as much as is required at this level of study.

Dear Sir, I want to mention here that the focus of modern-day teaching is mostly on the project and inquiry-based learning rather than bookish knowledge. These two modes of study are only possible when our school will be equipped with a well-established laboratory. Also, to compete with other school children around us, we need an upgraded science laboratory in our school.

After consultation with the laboratory attendant, I have made a list of all the chemicals, reagents, and equipment that are used frequently in nearly all experiments. It will really be a great virtue from your side if you arrange all the laboratory material as per requirements. We really wish to see the new and upgraded science laboratory as soon as possible. Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours obediently,

Size: 21 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later


Sample -2

Subject: Requesting upgrade of school science lab

Dear Sir,

I am a student of O-Levels and through this letter, on behalf of my classmates, I want to draw your attention towards the up-gradation of our school science. Nowadays, we are facing serious problems regarding lab facilities such as chemicals, reagents, salts, and other measuring and analytical instruments which are frequently used nowadays and it must be present in any of science laboratory.

Also, our lab is lagging in terms of the new O-Level syllabus. Currently, we are being provided with lab facilities that are not enough to meet the demands of modern-day education which emphasizes mainly experimentation and project-based learning rather than bookish knowledge only. Also, keeping in view a big strength of the school, our science lab must be upgraded.

Yet we are coming across another problem. The instruments which are provided to us are either broken or rusted. Performance through such equipment affects the reliability of any experiment in a negative way and chances of learning will be zero in that case.

We also discussed this matter with our class teacher but he told us that he was helpless in this regard and that we must talk to you. You are hereby requested to visit our science lab so that you can see the poor condition of it as soon as possible.

I hope you will consider and entertain our request, buy new instruments for laboratory and fulfill all requirements of it to transform it as an upgraded one. Please find that list which has been prepared by us after consultation with our science teacher for our science activities.

Yours obediently,

Size: 22 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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