Category: Complaint Responds

Illegal Parking Complaint Letter

Illegal Parking Complaint Letter

Illegal activities are always highlighted everywhere. The people in all concerns try to avoid illegal actions. Illegal activities are strongly condemned by the general public. There are various activities that are considered illegal like smuggling, corruption, software piracy, narcotics and illegal parking, etc. The government of all countries has strong rules and policies against all kinds of illegal activities. People who never follow the proper rules and laws are always...

Complaint Letter for Spoiled Food

Complaint Letter for Spoiled Food

The most important factor that contributes to happiness is health. When we have good health, we can enjoy life to the fullest. Good health is attributed mainly to our diet. And our diet is associated with the quality and type of food we eat. The good quality of food keeps us away from major illnesses and diseases. Nowadays, various grocers are deceiving the customers on the quality of food. They...

Complaint Letter for Smoking

Complaint Letter for Smoking

Smoking is becoming very common. Especially, young boys are adopting it as a fashion. They start the experiment from their school time and then they become addicted gradually. The youngster’s company also matters a lot. This habit develops much faster when one is having the company of addicted smokers. Smoking is dangerous for health. It simply damages the health and, addiction leads to mental illness also. The people in the...

Complaint Letter for not Getting Promotion

Complaint Letter for not Getting Promotion

It is a general responsibility of the CEO of the company to keep motivated the men under him. In this way, he can retain experienced people and lead a successful life keeping the company name higher. Keeping the motivation level high is a challenging task but two basic needs are required to be updated all the time. One is annual salary increments and the second is the promotion. These two...

Lost Luggage Complaint Letter to Airline

Lost Luggage Complaint Letter to Airline

Nowadays, the fastest transport is an airplane. It is giving benefit to trillion of people living in far off places from their families. In the case of any emergency, they can reach their beloved ones as soon as possible. All countries have now provided this facility to their nation. People along with things can benefit from this means of transport. The facility of the airplane is availed through the airline...

Illegal Construction Complaint Letter

Illegal Construction Complaint Letter

Construction of buildings, roads, schools, restaurants, hotels, bridges, shopping malls, etc takes place everywhere every time. The key to successful construction is their management. Management is always good with experience. And education is also an important factor. The construction manager has many responsibilities. He has to look over the workers each and every time. His job is much stressful and hectic. He serves as a mediator between the owner and...

Complaint Letter to an Airline

Complaint Letter to an Airline

In the modern era, the development of technology has improved the lifestyle. The world has become a global village where everything is in access. Traveling has been improved and time has been reduced to travel all over the world. The ticketing mechanism is very easy and tickets of any airline can be booked online while paying the money with a credit card. Online status can be confirmed an even number...