Author: admin

Work Completion Certificate Request Letter

Work Completion Certificate Request Letter

1- Subject: Work completion certificate request Dear Sir, I am feeling immense pleasure while informing you that the work you assigned to me has been completed within the specified time frame. No doubt, this is purely a result of sincere efforts I put in order to complete this work successfully. The contract for this work was signed on [date] and it took me 11 months to complete this work which...

Project Completion Certificate Request Letter

Project Completion Certificate Request Letter

1- Subject: Project completion certificate request Dear Joseph, I am Joseph, manager of [ABC] project which was allocated to me two months ago on [date]. First of all, I would like to say thank you for giving me this worthy project. Secondly, being a project manager, I hereby pleased to validate that the project has been completed successfully. It was a complex project in which I was required to draw...

HR Department's Letter to Employee about Poor Performance

HR Department’s Letter to Employee about Poor Performance

Every company has chalked out a set of rules and regulations for their employees; it includes the basic code and conduct, ethics, expectations from the employees and a course of action to be adopted if an employee(s) fail to meet these standards. Simply these predefined rules are known as Standard Operating Procedures. They are vetted from the highest authority of the company i.e. CEO and the HR department plays an...

Letter of Permission to be Absent from Work due to Illness

Letter of Permission to be Absent from Work due to Illness

1- Subject: Leave permission due to illness Dear Mr. Edward, Hope you find this letter in safe and sound health. I am Louis and currently providing my services in your organization for the manager executive post for the last five years. In these years I remember that I had hardly taken any unlearned leave except for those when needed. I am writing this letter to take your permission to take...

Work from Home Confirmation Email

Work from Home Confirmation Email

There are instances where it is no longer possible for an employee to work from the office then he demands permission to work from home. This permission can be either short-lived or prolong over a long period of time. Whatever the case is the employee needs to take prior permission from his/her boss before working from home. The employee should seek permission to work from home through an email to...

Termination Letter for Cheating the Company

Termination Letter for Cheating the Company

Every company has specified a predefined set of standard operating procedures (SOPs) which helps the employees to carry out routine tasks in an organized and robust manner. These SOPs define the limits and procedures to the employees. Many of these SOPs have been drafted after various trials and tests and clearly delineates the red lines so that they do not get crossed at any cost. Things like the company’s resources,...

Letter Explaining Bad Credit to Lender

Letter Explaining Bad Credit to Lender

The advent of industrialization has fast-paced the world enormously. Everyday companies are showcasing new and sophisticated items and technologies. This has triggered a sort of rat race to get brand new stuff, although unwanted, and with less capital in people’s hands, more and more companies are lending money to people to expand their purchasing power.  The money is lent with predefined terms that need to be paid back in installments...

Request Letter for Replacement of Office Furniture

Request Letter for Replacement of Office Furniture

1: I am Roman Nick from the HR Department of the company. I have been working as a senior HR Manager since 2010. As it has been ten years working here in the same department, I have a few suggestions and requests to make as I received your email yesterday in which you mentioned if any senior employee of the company wants to suggest or request anything novel. The reason...

Requesting Boss to Come Late to Office

Requesting Boss to Come Late to Office

1: Subject: Seeking relaxation in office hours Dear Sir, I, Stewart, working as accounts assistant in your company, am forwarding my formal request to you to allow me to come late to office on 15th of October, 20XX. I would never have asked you for such relaxation but the reason behind is that my child’s school is organizing a parent teacher meeting and I have also been invited to attend...

Letter of Request for Tools and Equipment

Letter of Request for Tools and Equipment

Letter 1: Subject: Letter of request for tools and equipment Respected Sir, My name is Anderson, working as Assistant Manager in your company for the last ten years and I am writing you this letter as a request on behalf of all current office staff. I want to bring into your kind notice that we had to shift our company office to a new place as per your instructions. During...

Request Letter for Photocopier Machine

Request Letter for Photocopier Machine

Letter 1: Subject: Request for photocopier machine Respected sir, I hope you will be fine and doing well these days. Through this letter, I am requesting you to provide a photocopier machine for the office. You know this fact very well that our business demands frequent communication with our clients which usually takes place through written letters on company letterhead. For record maintenance purposes, these letters need to be photocopied....

Code of Conduct Complaint Letter

Code of Conduct Complaint Letter

Letter 1: Subject: Violation of the code of conduct Dear Manager, My name is Watson and I am a regular customer of your company for the last ten years. Through this letter, I want to lodge a formal complaint against one of your newly appointed staff members whose name is Mr. Lee. I have been doing business with you since the very first day of your opening and I had...

Letter to Employee to Return the Company Laptop

Letter to Employee to Return the Company Laptop

1- Re. Return of the company’s laptop Dear Nelson, I hope you find everything fine around. I believe you must have an idea about the company’s policy after an employee gets terminated or resigns. You have been a part of this firm since March 20XX. According to the company’s policy the employee, who is no more part of the company, must return all its property within a certain period given...

Fund Request Letter for Purchasing Project Material

Fund Request Letter for Purchasing Project Material

1- Re. Fund Request for the Project of Research Program on Awareness of Child Labor Dear Sir, With reference to the above-cited subject, this letter aims to request you to generate funds for purchasing project material. The project aims to create consciousness for the general or the lower class public about child labor. A research program shall be administered for the sake of this project’s completion. For this research program,...

Warning Letter for Allegations on Engineer

Warning Letter for Allegations on Engineer

1- Re. Warning against the Case of Allegations on Engineers of REDYA Groups Dear Sir, I am writing this letter with reference to the contract which was signed between our companies on the GRoW project. The project was meant to make two nuclear buildings for educational purposes in teaching language and Business skills. This project was co-initiated by the investment of engineering from our company and the rest at your...

Request Letter for Authorization of the Use of Land

Request Letter for Authorization of the Use of Land

1- Re. Authorization of the Use of plot P-0981/B Dear Sir/Madam, I am drafting this letter to request to you to authorize the specifically mentioned land for the use of a one-month eye clinic camp. I want to use the land located at the plot number p-0981/B, Regency Mall Roadside which comes under area 24323 of Omaha in the U.S state of Nebraska. This plot is a barren land that...

Notifying Employees About Change of Vendor

Notifying Employees About Change of Vendor

1: I, Harris, CEO of [XYZ Company] want to notify you through this letter that we have terminated the contract with [Mr. ABC]. From now onward, he will no longer be acting as a vendor for our company. This notification is effective from [date]. He had been working with us for the last ten years and provided his services for this company. But then I had to take this decision...

Employee Complaint of Job Description Violation to Boss

Employee Complaint of Job Description Violation to Boss

1: I hope you will be fine and doing well these days. You are being written this letter being the CEO of the company. My name is Johnson, working as an assistant in the accounts department in this company for the last five years. Through this letter, I want to submit my formal complaint against my immediate boss whose name is Stewart, working as a manager in this company. I...

No Response Inquiry Letter to Supplier

No Response Inquiry Letter to Supplier

1: I, Anderson, working as a manager in Stars Constructions Limited, hereby want to remind you about our meeting which held last week. This meeting was in response to your supply of poor-quality material for one of our construction projects and finally, you were agreed on the replacement of that low-quality material. Now, this is to remind you that no response has been taken from your side yet. If you...

Letter to Manager Expressing Concern Over Project Deadline

Letter to Manager Expressing Concern Over Project Deadline

1: I would like to say thank you for allotting me an important project. I am sure that I will prove my worth but there is a little problem that I want to share with you. I am concerned about the deadline for the project. You have directed me to complete the project within 15 days but I am sorry to say that this particular project cannot be completed within...