writeletter2.com -Formal, Official and Professional Letters

Apology Letter for Car accident

Apology Letter for Car Accident

Apologizing for an accident can be good for the victim and the culprit. Such an apology should be very serious and sincere. You should make the victim feel that you care about them and you want to fix the situation. The apology letter should maintain a polite but serious tone. You should be very generous in your apology as a small accident could have serious consequences as well. State any reasons...

Apology Letter for Missing Appointment

Apology Letter for Missing Appointment

We might make commitments and end up not fulfilling them. An apology letter is a good way to keep you out of any legal action when you screw up things. The apology should never be about you, your feelings, or your intentions. It should always be focused to make the other person feel better. The person being hurt is not at all interested to know about your feelings or your...

Letter to Criticize a Distributor for not complying with Terms

Letter to Criticize a Distributor for not complying with Terms

Your business can fly if you have a good distributor. The chances of success are higher when there’s a good distributor but at the same time, the chances of failure are even more when you rely on an irresponsible distributor for your business. While making contracts with the distributors, it is important to clarify the terms and conditions properly. You don’t always have to cancel a contract with a distributor...

Letter Authorizing Medical Treatment for Father

Letter Authorizing Medical Treatment for Father

Authorization letters are written in order to give authority to a trusted doctor who would treat the concerned patient in the absence of that specific patient’s caretaker. It is an important piece of paper that gives the total responsibility of the patient to the authorized doctor. It includes the signatures of both the assigned doctor and the caretaker. In this way, all of the authority of the patient is given...

Disagreement Letter Regarding a Mistaken Deduction

Disagreement Letter Regarding a Mistaken Deduction

To write a disagreement letter of any type there are some general guidelines that should be followed to keep the letter as formal and professional as possible. Since it is not only your face-to-face interaction that leaves an impression on you but also your black and white. To write disagreement letters; Make sure you explain the matter in detail. Mention your disagreement and the argument to support it. Disagreements can...

Disagreement Letter regarding mistaken Bill

Disagreement Letter regarding mistaken Bill

You could be billed twice or thrice, billed half or could totally be left untouched by the billing authority even when there were dues to be paid by you. These all are mistakes since to err is human. Disagreement regarding billing can either be made face to face or by sending a letter of disagreement to the relevant authorities. In order to write a proper letter of this genre, it...

Complaint Letter about Wrong Information on Flyer

Complaint Letter about Wrong Information on Flyer

Flyers are one of the cheapest forms of advertisement. Through flyers, not only the message can be sent to the public at a low cost but a face to face feedback can also be taken. Also, the production of flyers is easy as compared to the other means of heavy and costly advertisements. Cheap or expensive, the matter of concern is how the advertisement has been made. The main purpose...

Apology Letter to Roommate for Cleaning

Apology Letter to Roommate for Cleaning

Living with a roommate can be an exciting experience. During college/university years, away from home can be hard but having a nice roommate can make things easier. Most of the people going to universities have a hard routine which can make it challenging for them to look after their regular chores. Dividing chores can make it easy to manage for the roommates. But sometimes, even after dividing the work, a...

Promotional Letter Seeking Entrants to Contest

Promotional Letter Seeking Entrants to Contest

Business associations may organize contests for the fresher to flourish their skills. This is not limited to businesses. It is practiced in other spheres as well. The newbies are provided with opportunities so that their work and skills may get recognition. When such content is arranged, letters are sent to the potential contestants. The authorities, on one hand, allow the contestants to compete, win, and be recognized while on the...

Complaint Letter about Shipping Error

Complaint Letter about Shipping Error

Errors occur often when distant buying-selling is done. It could be the shipment of a wrong or damaged product, late or no delivery, etc. In such cases, the buyer should complain to the seller/selling company so that he may be compensated. Even though the company is responsible for such errors it should still be taken into consideration that humans are prone to errors even computers sometimes make mistakes. Therefore, while...

Complaint Letter about Insurance Policy Cancelled by Company

Complaint Letter about Insurance Policy Cancelled by Company

The step of cancellation of an insurance policy is not taken by the policyholders only. The company or otherwise called the insurer may cancel the policy on its own without any request made by the policyholder. There could be many reasons why the policy is canceled by the company i.e. In the case of violations of rules by the policyholder, in the case of any fraud on the part of...

Apology Letter for Flaking Out

Apology Letter for Flaking Out

We all make plans with our dear ones. Sometimes we just make plans for the sake of making plans and not going because we do not feel like going. Sometimes we make plans and we have to cancel those plans due to some genuine reasons. Whatever the situation might be, an apology for flaking out a plan is a good way to make up with your friends. Making a sincere...

Letter to Request Cancellation of an Insurance Policy

Letter to Request Cancellation of an Insurance Policy

You may take a policy i.e. life insurance policy, car insurance policy, etc., and may also want to cancel it due to one reason or the other. It is sometimes after taking choices that one realizes his selection was wrong. Insurance plans are made with careful strategies to attract maximum people but even then, one can lose interest in a policy or would want to look for other choices. In...

Letter to cancel a service contract

Letter to Cancel a Service Contract

Service providers mostly provide services on a contract basis. The contract can be yearly, semi-annually or even a few weeks, depending on the type and kind of services. Though service providers try to satisfy their customers since it is the customer through whom they are able to generate income, some services may not be satisfactory enough for the customers, or the customer may not be interested in taking the services...

Apology Letter for Bad Driving

Apology Letter for Bad Driving

Driving is a skill that is not mastered by everyone. Sometimes we can be in a rush to reach a place and in that rush, we not only ignore our security but also risk the lives of other people. In such circumstances, writing an apology can be a polite way to express your regret over the situation. The apology letter should have a very polite tone. The reasons should be...

Letter to Thank the People who help in Fundraising

Letter to Thank People who help in Fundraising

For certain cases, individuals cannot afford to fund alone on their own. They need the help of others to assist them in those causes. For such purposes, funds are raised. Funds are not to be returned as they’re volunteer giving. It comes in the moral duty to support for causes that are for public welfare, for example, helping the refugees, supporting the underprivileged, etc. and it comes under the social...

Persuasive Letter to Volunteer for a Social Cause

Persuasive Letter to Volunteer for a Social Cause

In this life of hustle and bustle, it has become difficult to free one’s self from volunteer work. While everyone is busy in his own life, it is sometimes difficult to convince people to contribute to social causes. Most people end up giving money as their form of help and avoid giving time as a volunteer. Money cannot suffice without manpower. People can be convinced for volunteering if they are...

Thank You Letter to Someone for Volunteer Work

Thank You Letter to Someone for Volunteer Work

Thank you is a magic wand. It can do miracles for you. While some people totally ignore the importance of Thank you, there are some who understand how using these small words can change so many things. You’re especially indebted to thank people when they voluntarily work for you. Working voluntarily means they’ll be taking no reward for their services and no compensation for giving their precious time. You should...

Thank You Letter to Someone for his Hard Work

Thank You Letter to Someone for his/her Hard Work

After putting your tireless and determined efforts into a seemingly difficult project, you finally make it successful but guess what? You get no words of recognition, not even a thank you. You’d surely want to quit the employment at the very moment if you’re presented with another choice. The place where your hard work is not even rewarded with a thank you was surely not made for you. So, I...

Disagreement Letter Concerning Employee’s Layoff

Disagreement Letter Concerning Employee’s Layoff

The main purpose of writing this letter is to give reasons to the reader about not going ahead with the actions which have been proposed. The problem should be clearly stated in the letter in a polite tone without blaming anyone. You can ask in a very polite way that you want your problem to be resolved. Also, give some alternative proposals if you have any. Since you are writing...