Author: admin

Complaint Letter for Spoiled Food

Complaint Letter for Spoiled Food

The most important factor that contributes to happiness is health. When we have good health, we can enjoy life to the fullest. Good health is attributed mainly to our diet. And our diet is associated with the quality and type of food we eat. The good quality of food keeps us away from major illnesses and diseases. Nowadays, various grocers are deceiving the customers on the quality of food. They...

Complaint Letter about Food Poisoning to Restaurant Manager

Complaint Letter about Food Poisoning to Restaurant Manager

Refreshment of the mind is a very important element to relax the mind. Different people have different approaches to relaxation. For example, some people relax their mind with exercise, some people love hiking, watching movies, getting to gather with friends, and playing games, sports, or outing at a picnic point. But the most common is the plan of a dinner or eating food at their favorite place. After a hectic...

Complaint Letter about Movie Theater Facilities

Complaint Letter about Movie Theater Facilities

Entertainment is always a need for decades. Entertainment if given in the right manner gives much awareness. The awareness can be about history as well as technology. One form of entertainment is cinema. In this modern world Cinemas and Movie Theaters are gaining wide recognition. The youngsters, as well as families, make special plans for watching movies to have fun and joy from the busy routine of life. A lot...

Letter to Cancel a Reservation of a Conference at a Hotel

Letter to Cancel a Reservation of a Conference at a Hotel

The conferences are held to introduce new products or resolve the problem related to some particular issues. The agenda points are circulated beforehand. Therefore, the conference room provides the platform for a company to represent its stakes directly. All the stakeholders are present at the conference; therefore, it is easy for the company to convey its message and communicate directly to the stakeholders and resolve the issue at the spot....

Letter to Cancel a Night Party Invitation

Letter to Cancel a Night Party Invitation

The trend of parties is rapidly increasing these days. Celebrations and parties give lovely mementos and long-lasting pleasures. In the busy life schedule, people find it a source of relaxation and enjoyment. In this way, parents and children get time to spend with each other. The invitation for such parties is always accepted wholeheartedly. Especially, the parties held by close friends or families are much considerable. The invitations to such...

Illegal Parking Complaint Letter

Illegal Parking Complaint Letter

Illegal activities are always highlighted everywhere. The people in all concerns try to avoid illegal actions. Illegal activities are strongly condemned by the general public. There are various activities that are considered illegal like smuggling, corruption, software piracy, narcotics and illegal parking, etc. The government of all countries has strong rules and policies against all kinds of illegal activities. People who never follow the proper rules and laws are always...

Illegal Construction Complaint Letter

Illegal Construction Complaint Letter

Construction of buildings, roads, schools, restaurants, hotels, bridges, shopping malls, etc takes place everywhere every time. The key to successful construction is their management. Management is always good with experience. And education is also an important factor. The construction manager has many responsibilities. He has to look over the workers each and every time. His job is much stressful and hectic. He serves as a mediator between the owner and...

Lost Luggage Complaint Letter to Airline

Lost Luggage Complaint Letter to Airline

Nowadays, the fastest transport is an airplane. It is giving benefit to trillion of people living in far off places from their families. In the case of any emergency, they can reach their beloved ones as soon as possible. All countries have now provided this facility to their nation. People along with things can benefit from this means of transport. The facility of the airplane is availed through the airline...

Defective Product Complaint Letter

Defective Product Complaint Letter

A product is considered defective when some imperfection arises in it. After buying a product many times it happens that customers find it defective. A defect in products can be of any kind like a design defect or manufacturing defect. Sometimes, a defect of any kind can be found dangerous. It is the duty of the manufacturers to keep proper checks and balances so that the chances of defects can...

Barking Dog Complaint Letter

Barking Dog Complaint Letter

Dogs are considered the most faithful and cultured pets. People mostly keep them for safety. Some people keep them as pets. Apart from this, wild dogs and street dogs are considered much dangerous. If pet dogs are trained well, they are found much obedient, faithful, and affiliated to their owners. There are a variety of dog species that exist all over the world. Among them, there are some specific species...

Lease Termination Letter

Lease Termination Letter

A lease is basically a contract between the landlord and tenant under a fixed period of time. All kinds of land, property, and services are basically leased under specific terms and conditions. Written documentation is the main part of this contract. Nowadays, it is becoming a very vast and profit gaining mode of business. Various rich landlords are mostly involved in leasing their property for investment and earning profit. Sometimes,...

Rental Verification Letter

Rental Verification Letter

Property buying, selling, and rental business are very tricky because of dealing with two or more strangers. Sometimes the landlords need verification for renting or selling their property as well as the tenants also need it for the smooth running of a contract through its terms and conditions. Moreover, this verification may lead to a secure future for both that is tenant and landlord. But, sometimes the company also pays...

Character Reference Letter for a Landlord

Character Reference Letter for a Landlord

Reputation plays an important role in all sorts of businesses but when we talk of property buying and selling it is the backbone. If the landlord is well-reputed then buyers trust blindly in making any deal and vice versa. But in the case of an unknown person, buyers need certification that their deal is not going to ruin their money. In today’s world, property scams are well known to the...

Apology Letter for Spreading Disease

Apology Letter for Spreading Disease

We might be having some disease without even knowing it. Sometimes we delay seeing the doctor or we have no idea that we are suffering from some illness. In such a situation, when we find that we are suffering an ailment, the first thing we should do is to inform our close ones so that they can maintain a necessary distance from us. We should also apologize for our unawareness...

Response Letter to a Job Rejection

Response Letter to a Job Rejection

Rejection could be of many types. A bid rejection, rejection for a job, a proposal or offer rejection and many others. Rejections and Acceptances are part of life and particularly part of business sphere too. Thinking on the factual grounds, when there are more than one options and one is bound to select only a few, it is certain that the rest will be excused. Some win and some lose. But...

Warning letter for rude behavior of coworker

Complaint Letter for Rude Behaviour of Coworker

1- Good day. I am writing to report the behavior of a fellow co-worker, Mr. Andrew Stiles. Mr. Stiles has been creating a lot of problems for me and the other colleagues at our department and creates a scene almost every day at the office. He gets into a verbal altercation with us over little things which can be easily resolved with a polite dialogue. His behavior has affected the...

Letter requesting discount on price

Letter Requesting Discount on Price

1- I am John Smith, CEO of Smith interior Design. We have had a good business partnership with your hardware company for the past six months and have regularly been purchasing bathroom tiles from you to use in our interior design business. I have noticed a sharp increase in the price of your tiles by $3 per unit. I am writing this letter today to request a discount on the...

Complaint Letter to Post Office

Complaint Letter to Post Office

We send and receive letters through a post office. It gave us the ease of sending and receiving important documents in lesser time. They are located in all cities. A little postage box is hung in front of the post office. The people insert letters in the box. The post peon then collects and sends to the postal head office. The letters are separated regarding their destination and then they...

Complaint Letter for Damaged Luggage

Complaint Letter for Damaged Luggage

Nowadays, people try to opt for the most convenient and fastest mode of transportation. Traveling by airplane is much faster and easy. It is also very helpful in urgent needs. Like when people want to travel in emergencies, they choose airplanes. While traveling to distant places, people usually have a lot of luggage. The transportation modes are solely responsible for all the luggage of the travelers. They need to have...

Complaint Letter to an Airline

Complaint Letter to an Airline

In the modern era, the development of technology has improved the lifestyle. The world has become a global village where everything is in access. Traveling has been improved and time has been reduced to travel all over the world. The ticketing mechanism is very easy and tickets of any airline can be booked online while paying the money with a credit card. Online status can be confirmed an even number...