Category: Letter to Clients
1- I [title][Name] am writing to you on behalf of [organization name]. As you know we have been providing our [services/products] for the last [number] years and our contribution in the field of [name] is known both nationally and internationally. We have been recognized for our efforts multiple times in the form of awards. We are very pleased to announce the launching of a new [product/service] which would transform the...
1- Dear Mr. /Ms. [name] I [title][name] am writing on behalf of [name of organization]. You have been a valued patron and we have handled numerous [projects] for you. Due to the increasing demand for our [products/services] we have shifted our [offices/venue] to a larger and more spacious workplace specially designed to serve our [clients/customers] better. You can now visit us at [Address] For further details, you can contact us...
1. This letter is to inform you that the monthly subscription price of our product service will be increased by 10 percent with effect from 20th December 20XX. For the services that you use, the bill will be increased from 100 USD to 110 USD per month. We value your sincerity with our company and have enjoyed a great business-client relationship for the past eleven months that you have been...
When clients have complaints, they write complaint letters. It is then the responsibility of the service providers to respond back to the complaints. Even if the complaint cannot be resolved quickly, a complaint acknowledgment letter should be written to the client in order to inform him that his complaint has been received and will be dealt carefully. Complaint acknowledgment letter is a necessary tool for businesses to flourish public reputation...
1- I [name] have an account in [name of bank] in the [name] branch. My account number is [number]. For the last [number] years I have been banking with you. Recently I got a credit card and since then, I have been using it pretty frequently without facing any problems. However, something very troubling has happened which I want to bring to your attention. I used my credit card for...
Some mistakes are very serious especially when they are related to business and financial dealings. One such sphere where mistakes can turn into grave mistakes is managing the accounts. A mistake made in accounts can bring you a loss of trust from your clients. It is, therefore, important to follow an apology letter if such an incident occurs. This gives your client an impression that you can be trusted and...
What if you see a strange new face next to your cabin in the office? I’m sure it would be surprising. O, man! That’s the new employee. Your colleague! If this happens to you, it’s because your authorities do not follow the strategy of informing working employees about the appointment of a new employee, or maybe, you had ignored the memo which was regarding this new employee. In professional business...
There are many accounts that are free but some accounts want a continuous particular payment to remain active. In the case of non-payments, the accounts are terminated. It can be an online account, a bank account, departmental account, credit account or any other paid service registration account. Account cancellations letters due to non-payment are written by companies to their clients to inform them about the cancellation of their account when...
Banks are to keep your money safe. They serve multiple other purposes too. Everything in banks works according to some rules and regulations. One of those rules is that banks allow individuals a specific amount to be kept in banks. If the credit is to be exceeded, a request letter should be written prior to that. The bank approves the letter and the client can then increase his amount in...
In this day and age, our business relations matter a lot. Every relationship that has a monetary value attached to it needs a lot of attention and care. If we delay any payment due to any reason, it is our duty to apologize. Firstly, politely apologize for the delay and mention that you remember the payment deadlines. Secondly, explain any reasons for the delayed payment and be honest with your...
Companies/businesses can sometimes fail to deliver an order or consignment on the decided deadline. The clients can face heavy losses and the company can lose out on customers due to delayed or lost orders. Such delays can result in losing out your customers to your competitors. And worse than that, the client can take legal action against the company. So, in such a situation, writing an apology letter becomes very...
A recovery letter is a formal reminder to the client for the recovery of payment. This letter should contain all the details including the outstanding amount and any interest charged on the outstanding balance. Further actions to be in event of not paying the outstanding amount should also be included in the letter. The overdue payment collection reminder letter should include the date on which the amount is overdue and...
Letter -1 I [name] serving as [designation] in [organization name] am writing to you on behalf of our [name] department. We have currently undertaken a project [name] for which you are supplying us with the following materials. [Materials list…] This letter is to inform you that our banking arrangements have changed slightly. From now onwards all transactions would be handled by the account mentioned below: [Account title][Account number][Bank name +...
#1 Re. Announcement of Acquisition of Softoply by the DSK Groups Dear Valuable customers, after doing excel in the various departments, DSK group of companies is delighted to announce the acquisition of [NAME]. [NAME] is a private firm that specializes in the business of safety products. These safety products include various tools, items, and instruments that are needed in medical emergencies and daily safety. To keep the valued lives from...
1- Dear Mr. McKay Holsten, Good day. I am writing to propose my food service for your office in West England. I am a home baker and have been selling my baked items from home for the past three years under the name of ‘Home Treats’. I have several years of cooking experience, and I also have a degree in culinary arts from West England School. Through my small business...
#1 Re. Change in Pricing because of Changes Brought about by Budget-20XX by Federal Government of USA Dear Customers, this letter is drafted to communicate the recent hike in prices of mobile phones because of the changes in prices and taxation by the Federal Government of the USA. On 23rd July 20XX, the Federal Government in coordination with the Department of Budget and Pricing Policy (BPP) has announced the new...
What is an outstanding payment? An outstanding payment is the sum of money from a client that is yet to be paid. As a business owner, late payments from clients can be frustrating. However, if the payment is not made on the exact promised date, it shouldn’t be made a big issue. It is possible that the client forgot to make the payment, didn’t have enough funds on that exact...
#1 Re. Proposal Letter of M-K Travelers Dear Sir/Madam, this letter has been written with the best wishes for your health and work. I intend to serve this draft as a proposal letter for you. M-K Travelers is a travel agency that is operated from Boston, California, and keeps its franchises in many other cities of California and other states. M-K travelers make sure for their customers to travel with...
The advent of industrialization has fast-paced the world enormously. Everyday companies are showcasing new and sophisticated items and technologies. This has triggered a sort of rat race to get brand new stuff, although unwanted, and with less capital in people’s hands, more and more companies are lending money to people to expand their purchasing power. The money is lent with predefined terms that need to be paid back in installments...
There are many events set by different companies to demonstrate their trading products. The main purpose of such events is to market the products of the company. Usually, the companies organize the trade shows to represent their products to their customers and to let the customers know about the new products and features which have been launched by the company. These trade shows are the best way to strengthen the...