Author: admin

Letter Undertaking the Company’s Property by Employee

Undertaking Letter on Company’s Assets Received

Re. The undertaking of the Company’s AssetsDear Mellow, I am penning this letter to undertake that I have received the items mentioned below. I am Relenza Duck from Newt Street California and I am freshly appointed to the designation of the Assistant Registrar in Melbourne Group of Insurance. I hereby undertake that I have been given these items only to facilitate me as an employee and they do not belong...

Letter to Notify Supplier of Quality Issue

Letter to Notify Supplier of Quality Issue

1: Subject: Quality Issue regarding [X]Dear Roger, I am writing you this letter in order to draw your attention to an important matter. You are hereby informed through this letter that the material you have been supplying to us is of lower quality and does not meet our standard as per our requirement. I am claiming this after a thorough testing procedure that took place in our company’s material testing...

Request Letter to Manager for Office Supplies

Request Letter to Manager for Office Supplies

Subject: Request for office suppliesDear Manager, I am writing you this letter to inform you about the current situation of our inventory. As you know very well that our company is facing the peak season of its business, therefore, in order to run its affairs smoothly and to complete all the office projects on time, we are in dire need of a supply of some office items as per the...

Request Letter for Office Equipment Replacement

Request Letter for Office Equipment Replacement

1: Subject: Request for office equipment replacement Dear Sir, through this letter, I would like to draw your attention to a problem which we are facing nowadays. You know very well that the company started functioning ten years ago and I am an employee since the very first day of its establishment. On the very first day, we were provided computer units, two printers, and a photocopier machine. I regret...

Query Letter to Accountant for Cash Misuse

Query Letter to Accountant for Cash Misuse

1: Subject: Query for cash misuseDear Harry, You have been accused of cash misuse by your manager and therefore being addressed through this letter by me. Being an accountant of this company, you carry an important position since you have to deal with the cash and due to this reason, you are fully responsible for all transactions take place daily. Last month, you were credited with an amount of [US...

Request letter to use company vehicle for personal work

Request Letter to use Company Vehicle for Personal Work

Sample 1: Subject: Request letter to use a company vehicle for personal work Dear Sir, I am Johnson, working as an assistant manager in your organization. I am writing you this letter to ask for your permission to take a company vehicle for my personal use. I have never asked you for such a favor before but now, as you know that my home is located in a distant place...

Warning letter for leaving work premises without permission

Warning Letter for Leaving Work Premises without Permission

Sample 1: Subject: Warning letter for leaving work premises without permission Dear Angela, yesterday, we received a complaint against you from your office manager. He informed us that you left the office premises before time despite knowing the fact that doing so, you were leaving a lot of assignments pending. In response to his complaint, we conducted an inquiry in which it came to our notice that neither your team...

Request Letter to Change Invoice with Revised Rates

Request Letter to Change Invoice with Revised Rates

Sample Letter -1 Subject: Request letter to change invoice with revised rates Dear Johnson, I am Brett Lee, a regular customer of your company. I am writing you this letter to draw your attention to an error in the invoice regarding product rates. Owing to this, I want you to change this invoice of mine with a new one based on revised rates. Every month, I do hopping from your...

Warning Letter for Tampering Timecard

Warning Letter for Tampering Timecard

Sample Letter -1 Subject: Warning letter for tampering timecard Dear Spencer, I am feeling great disappointment while writing you this letter that you have been caught red-handed while tampering your timecard. No doubt, we have developed a smart and efficient system in order to trace the frauds in the employees’ timecard. It was also having some drawbacks and you took advantage of these faults and added those hours during which...

Apology Letter for Preparing Incorrect Report

Apology Letter for Preparing Incorrect Report

Letter 1: Subject: Apology for preparing an incorrect report Dear Sir, I am Charles, working as an assistant director in the sales and marketing department of your company. I am writing you this letter to submit my apology for the big mistake which I made while preparing the project feasibility report and due to which, we were not given that project. I have realized that my way of report preparation...

Product Warranty Claim Letter

Product Warranty Claim Letter

A claim letter comprises requests for accommodation such as replacement, fraud, damages payment with the help of genial opening about the product, and concerns may be preferred.  A claim letter should comprise some basic elements such as a clear and distinguished explanation regarding the complaint, a detailed account of what discord this has created or the mislaying abide by it, reconsideration to fairness and honesty, and equitable adjustment that you...

Letter to Close Business Bank Account

Letter to Close Business Bank Account

Letter 1: Subject: Close a business bank account [X] Dear Manager, I am John Smith and I am writing to you on behalf of my company [NAME]. Please consider this document as a request letter to close our business account which is registered with your bank. This was a great honor for us that we were running our all business affairs through your bank of great esteem. There is no...

Apology Letter for Missing a Meeting due to Sickness

Apology Letter for Missing a Meeting due to Sickness

Letter 1: Subject: Apology for missing meeting due to sickness Dear Sir, I, Johnson, want to express my feelings of sorry and submit my apology for not being able to attend the meeting which was held on [date]. I can understand the level of inconvenience you may have faced due to my absence from the meeting but I was not intended to leave this meeting intentionally. I knew the importance...

Warning Letter for Failure to Communicate with Customer

Warning Letter for Failure to Communicate with Customer

Letter 1: Subject: Warning for failure to communicate with [XYZ] Dear Johnson, This letter is being issued to you owing to your unprofessional behavior at the workplace on the 15th of August, 20XX. We had to launch a new company office at [place name] and I provided you a list of our potential customers because top management was willing to invite them to the said event. Among those customers, there...

Return of Company's Property Letter to Employee

Return of Company’s Property Letter to Employee

Letter 1: Re. Return of Company’s Property Dear Mr. Capstone, I am Susan Beck, Assistant Manager, from Shorex Star Group of Textiles. I hope you will find this letter in the best of your health. This letter purposes to convey the company’s concern about the property which includes a few office items to be returned. As you have been an employee for six years, I believe you must know about...

Authorization Letter to Drive Company Vehicle

Authorization Letter to Drive Company Vehicle

Letter 1: Subject: Authorization to drive company vehicle Dear Johnson, This document serves as a letter conferring upon you the authority to drive the company vehicle. The authorization period is starting from [date] and will end on [date]. Moreover, you must note that this authority is provisional and subject to verification of your related documents such as a valid driving license and correct driving record. Mr. [X], giving you an...

Company Vehicle Use Policy Letter

Company Vehicle Use Policy Letter

Letter 1: Subject: Company vehicle use policy 20XX-20XX Dear employees, I hope you all will be fine and enjoying the best of your health. I, being the chief manager of the company, announce through this letter, the vehicle use policy. This must be regarded as a new policy with some amendments to the existing one. However, the company reserves the right to terminate the policy at any time without any...

Letter to Vacate Office Premises

Letter to Vacate Office Premises

Letter 1: Subject: Office place vacation notice Dear Manager, I am Johnson, owner of the building’s premises being used by your company as an office. You are being notified through this letter that you will have to vacate the office within thirty days of receiving this letter. This letter is being written with reference to the property number V-23-S-65, located in XYZ town, Michigan and I have been recognized as...

Warning Letter for Absent without Information

Warning Letter for Absent without Information

Letter 1: Subject: Warning for absent without information Dear Smith, I, being the manager of the Stars Marketing company, reserve the full right to issue you this warning letter on account of being absent on many occasions without informing me. This change in your behavior has been observed for the last three months which is very strange because every time you availed any leave, you informed the office well before...

Warning Letter for Misuse of Electricity in Office

Warning Letter for Misuse of Electricity in Office

Letter 1: Subject: Warning for misuse of electricity in the office Dear employees, I am Hood, CEO of the company and I have been forced to issue this warning letter when yesterday, I received the electricity bill which was showing an excessive usage of electricity as compare to previous months which is an unacceptable and unethical thing as well.    Being a precious resource, electricity must be conserved and its...