Author: admin

Complaint Letter for Loud Music

Complaint Letter for Loud Music

Everything seems good when it is done by keeping a balance. As it is a famous saying “excess of everything is bad”. All activities revolving in the life of a person need to be in balance and order. Like when it comes to the end of music, it is a source of joy and pleasure. It is considered as a stress reliever. It gives happiness and peace in trying times....

Complaint Letter to School Principal

Complaint Letter to School Principal

The first and foremost requirement of the children is to get educated. The best place to get an education is the school. It is the only place for learning and grooming. We learn how to behave in society and how to move with society. We learn healthy habits. The school has the primary responsibility to provide a positive learning environment. The environment should be progressive and productive and motivating. Especially,...

Acceptance Letter of Invitation to Speak or Perform

Acceptance Letter of Invitation to Speak or Perform

Invitations can be personal or professional. Personal invitations are for events like birthday parties, wedding parties, family functions etc. Professional invitations are for events like seminars, conferences, graduations, official dinners, and parties etc. For all these invitations, letters or cards are used. It creates a good impression. The birthday party or wedding party invitations are so colorful and appealing. The greetings and salutation are also added. The formal invitations need...

Letter to Request a Minor Change in the Contract

Letter to Request a Minor Change in Rental Contract

A contract is a type of bond between the two parties. It is followed by proper policies which should be filled and signed by the applicant. The purpose is to create an appropriate agreement which should be acted upon accordingly. Contracts are of various types like an express contract, implied contracts, bilateral and unilateral etc. A rental contract is between the tenant and the landlord. The tenant has to follow...

Warning Letter for Not Sticking to Role Given

Warning Letter for Not Sticking to Role Given

Oftentimes, your employee may fail embracing his official role owing to multiple reasons and this obstructive attitude can be a hindrance to your business’s growth. Such behaviors cannot be kept a secret for long for soon enough, the boss, or any head, reckons it. Whenever you are in such an unpromising situation where your subordinate is not willing to adapt to his professional role, you may confront the situation before...

Warning Letter for Not Following Job Description

Warning Letter for Not Following Job Description

The irresponsible professional attitude of employees can not only put them in hot water but the entire reputation of the company as well. Individuals are hired with expectations that they will carry out the job requirements according to the company standards. Sometimes the nature of a job is complicated, hence performing as per the protocols is crucial. The pursuit of success is not only the final result of a job/project...

Warning Letter to Service Provider for Delay in Completion of Work

Warning Letter to Service Provider for Delay in Completion of Work

A warning letter to service providers for the delay in the completion of work is sent from a customer to complain against the slow work pace against the decided time as per the deal. Whenever a customer hires an independent agent or a company for any kind of work, be it home renovation or the installation of some technical devices in the house, a deal is made between the two...

Complaint Letter for Computer Service

Complaint Letter for Computer Service

The advancement in technology has changed the lifestyle. And, it has provided much ease. Among this, computer systems stand the first. In schools, colleges, universities, and homes they have become a necessity. It has a lot of uses like a variety of software as well as the internet. It needs frequent upgrade and repair. Computer services like Operating System upgrade or installation, software or hardware upgrade or installation, memory upgrade,...

Complaint Letter for Over Speeding

Complaint Letter for Over Speeding

It is common saying that wisdom comes with age and experience teaches all lessons that we are unable to learn from our school. People show different behavior at the different slot of age. For example, children are more demanding and obstinate, while teenagers are aggressive, emotional and expressive in their attitude; young people are determined and ambitious, while old people are the academy of wisdom. But the most dangerous stage...

Compliment Letter for a Successful Conference

Compliment Letter for a Successful Conference

A conference is a formal meeting of people for the interchange of views. People discuss and interchange opinions on the decided topic. There are various benefits of a conference like new business opportunities, strong networking, and expertise, skills, gaining tips and tactics and future prospection. Organizing a conference is a tough job. One needs to have complete knowledge of the type of event to corroborate the needs, work details efficiency,...

Thank You Letter for Dinner

Thank You Letter for Dinner

Brought up of a human being is not an easy task. It requires much effort. Efforts are fruitful when they dwell a good personality. And it brings good manners. And, good manners are always admired by everyone. Respecting elders, helping, caring, thanks; all come in the category of good manners. The habit of thanks always leaves a good impression both in personal and social life. There are a lot of...

Confirmation Letter for Event Attendance

Confirmation Letter for Event Attendance

Events either personal or non-personal require confirmation by the attendees. Organizational events like conferences, seminar, fundraising, and product launch etc. need confirmation as it influences the cost and budget estimation. The event planners need to be much efficient in such issues to avoid any mismanagement. These little things are a great deal of success if handled properly. The attendees write the confirmation letter in a very polite and soft tone...

Letter for Early Termination of Lease Contract

Letter for Early Termination of Lease Contract

A lease is an agreement between the owner of the asset and user of the asset. It consists of names of the parties, renewal process, starting and ending dates, security deposit terms and some specific conditions depending on the type of contract. These types of contracts can be for an apartment, house, office or building. The user of the asset or property is bound to follow properly. If not followed,...

Sorry Letter from Tenant for not Paying the Rent on Time

Sorry Letter from Tenant for not Paying the Rent on Time

Hardships can come on anyone at any time. But one needs to be very patient to cope with the situation. First of all, we need to find all suitable possibilities. We should also try to take advice from the nearest and dearest. After finding a possible way out, we can try them as soon as possible to tackle the situation. Sometimes various issues arise regarding our dues like children’s school...

Warning Letter from Landlord to Tenant for not Paying Rent on Time

Warning Letter for not Paying Rent on Time

In the rental contract, a landlord has higher authorities. He can terminate the lease any time. The contract is followed by strict rules and policies which the tenant has to follow. In the case of any serious loss by the tenant, the landlord can take all the necessary action defined in the contract. The rent is always expected on time. The tenant should be careful about it. Despite this, sometimes...

Rental Contract Termination Letter on Tenant's Behalf

Rental Contract Termination Letter

A rental contract consists of a various set of rules and policies. Both oral and written forms are legal and valid depending on the nature of time. The tenant is bound to follow all the rules. Some limitations also exist in such contracts. Some landlords do not allow the tenants to re-paint the house. Neither can they do any kind of construction. A monthly rent is paid by the tenant....

Letter to Cancel Rental Contract due to Increase in Rent

Letter to Cancel Rental Contract due to Increase in Rent

A rental contract is followed by a set of various rules. The application needs to be filled properly. Security deposit is also taken to redeem any loss or damaged caused by the tenant. When a house or office is granted tenant, utilities become their responsibilities. This includes water, gas and electric bills. After mutual consent, the agreement is signed. The owner has the right to enter anytime on short notice....

Vacation Reservation Cancellation Letter

Vacation Reservation Cancellation Letter

From the boredom routine, all families plan vacations for spending quality time with each other. Winter holidays are utilized mostly. And sometimes summer holidays are also benefited. In the normal routine of life, parents, as well as children are too busy that they hardly get time to spend with each other. So they make such plans to visit far off places where they would be totally free from their jobs,...

Letter to Request Assistance from Someone in another Firm

Letter to Request Assistance from Someone in another Firm

This letter is written when you are going to ask your colleague for assistance. The letters which you write to ask for someone’s assistance are usually written in a formal tone. This letter should be written in the form of an open paragraph giving an introduction about the writer of the letter and his purpose of writing the letter. Also, state your designation in the firm where you are working....

Invitation Letter to an Industry Veterans Speech

Invitation Letter to an Industry Veteran’s Speech

The invitation letter should be written in such a way that it can mirror the positive tone and message of the recipient. The letter should be considered as an invitation to such an event which is a very cheerful activity. It should be clearly indicated in the letter that the presence of the reader is required in the speech event. You can also include the names of some other people...