Category: Letter to Managers

Letter to Suggest a Payment Scheme to a Supplier

Letter to Suggest a Payment Scheme to a Supplier

No buying and selling take place without the mutual consensus of the seller and the buyer. The seller sells and the buyer buys it because he agrees to pay the demanded price. Since the prices or the buying and selling rules are not fixed always, some concessions and alterations can be made depending on the circumstances especially in the case of large contracts. It can be difficult for the supplier...

Letter Announcing a New Employee’s Appointment

Letter Announcing a New Employee’s Appointment

What if you see a strange new face next to your cabin in the office? I’m sure it would be surprising. O, man! That’s the new employee. Your colleague! If this happens to you, it’s because your authorities do not follow the strategy of informing working employees about the appointment of a new employee, or maybe, you had ignored the memo which was regarding this new employee. In professional business...

Complaint Letter for not Getting Promotion

Complaint Letter for not Getting Promotion

It is a general responsibility of the CEO of the company to keep motivated the men under him. In this way, he can retain experienced people and lead a successful life keeping the company name higher. Keeping the motivation level high is a challenging task but two basic needs are required to be updated all the time. One is annual salary increments and the second is the promotion. These two...

Letter to Call a Meeting to Discuss Management Issues

Letter to Call a Meeting to Discuss Management Issues

Sometimes there are a lot of management issues in an organization that the owner decides to set up a review meeting to discuss all the matters. The letter can be written to all the concerned people to attend the meeting which is being conducted for discussing the management issues of the company and for sorting them out. The letter should express your concerns about the management issues of the company....

Letter to Call Monthly Meeting to Review Business Strategies

Letter to Call Monthly Meeting to Review Business Strategies

Every company has some business strategies based on which the company progresses. It is very important for the staff members and all the stakeholders of the company to keep the check on all the strategies applied by them to see whether they are going well or not. A business strategy has a direct impact on the success or the failure of the company because of which, several meetings are conducted...

Letter to Encourage a Supervisor after a Company Setback

Letter to Encourage Supervisor after a Company Setback

All leading organizations and companies do not establish at one day. There are always strenuous efforts of the team to keep them on the right track and stand still against any wind. So, supervisors and employees are always ready for any kind of situation that can happen. Some disasters are natural, which cannot be stopped with manpower and technologies. Other kinds of losses are those which can be compensated with...

Letter to HR to Transfer Salary in Another Account

Letter to HR to Transfer Salary in Another Account

A salary account is the bank account usually granted to an employee by the company itself and in which his salary is transferred. Usually, this bank is officially affiliated with the company and the account information is communicated to the employee. All the employees are granted an account in the same bank to make the HR department’s work easier. The HR won’t have to transfer the employees’ salaries into multiple...

Email to manager for task has been completed successfully

Email to Manager for Task has been Completed Successfully

1- To: Hudson GregorySubject: Task completion reportDear Mr. Hudson Gregory, I am delighted to inform you that the task assigned to my team has been completed successfully. The project start date was 1st September and the projected finish date was 15th October. However, due to the consistent hard work and team efforts of all the members, we were able to finish it successfully way ahead of the deadline. I have...

Maternity leave application for office

Maternity Leave Application for Office

1- With due respect, it is stated that my name is Paula Peterson currently working in Alexa Textile Mills since 2018. I had been hired as a worker in the textile weaving machine management and handling technicalities. A year ago I got married to a worker in the same mills and branch as a junior assistant design manager, and now I am expecting my first child in the coming two...

Letter of Introduction to Bank

Letter of Introduction to Bank

1- My name is Alex, chairman of System Operations and I intend to introduce my company and establish long term relationship with your bank. Our industry has recently been set up and it has taken on its board the experienced software engineers and experts IT professionals. Based in Michigan, the company is being smoothly run by five professional board of directors who earned their name in the software industry after...

Letter to Another Manager Highlighting an Issue

Letter to Another Manager Highlighting an Issue

1- Re. Highlighting the Recurring events of Misconduct from QA Office Dear Sir, I am Suzy Rose, a Graphic Designer in Jomer Nell Groups. I am writing this letter to bring your attention to a significant issue. I have an earnest concern on the misconduct by Mr. Hill who works in the Quality Assurance Cell of your company. Being a graphic designer at my company, I was asked to contact...

Company Asset Release Letter to Manager

Company Asset Release Letter to Manager

1- Re. Asset Release Letter for Nancy Dem Dear Meghan, This letter aims to direct you to undertake the responsibility of Nancy Dem’s release of the company’s assets forwarded by her termination. Dem has worked for one year during session 20XX-XX. She has completed her tenure and has been terminated on professional grounds recently. Dem has worked as a regular employee on the designation of Creative Marketing Head. Due to...

Request Letter to Manager for Office Supplies

Request Letter to Manager for Office Supplies

Subject: Request for office suppliesDear Manager, I am writing you this letter to inform you about the current situation of our inventory. As you know very well that our company is facing the peak season of its business, therefore, in order to run its affairs smoothly and to complete all the office projects on time, we are in dire need of a supply of some office items as per the...

Letter to Manager Expressing Concern Over Project Deadline

Letter to Manager Expressing Concern Over Project Deadline

1: I would like to say thank you for allotting me an important project. I am sure that I will prove my worth but there is a little problem that I want to share with you. I am concerned about the deadline for the project. You have directed me to complete the project within 15 days but I am sorry to say that this particular project cannot be completed within...

Apology Letter for Cell Phone Use

Following etiquette is very important as it shows our personality. The use of gadgets is becoming common in such a way that people are talking and meeting other people while using their phones. This gives an impact of ignoring the other person. Listening to someone with attention is like giving respect to them. Not using a phone at work times is a policy of most of the companies. And if...