Author: admin

Letter to Make Correction in Salary

Letter to Make Correction in Salary

Subject: Letter to make correction in salary Dear Sir, I hope you will be fine. I am writing this letter to bring into your notice that due to unknown reasons, I have received an incorrect amount of salary in my account for the current month. I was surprised at seeing the salary details because my net monthly salary is USD 5000, after a tax deduction but I have been paid...

Warning Letter for Aggressive Behavior

Warning Letter for Aggressive Behavior

Warning letter A warning letter is written to those employees who are involved in something that is against the company’s guidelines or the company’s code of conduct. Every company has defined rules for its employees that should be followed by all employees during their work. If any employee goes against those defined rules, he is given a warning letter to improve his ways and his conduct. Most common misconducts addressed...

Warning Letter for Drinking Alcohol at Workplace

Warning Letter for Drinking Alcohol at Workplace

When an employee is found consuming alcohol at the workplace or s/he comes under the influence of alcohol then the company needs to ensure some rules and regulations which can be guaranteed by writing a letter, in order to explain the instance and what possible consequences can be taken on this conduct. The intoxication of alcohol at the workplace is a grave mistake as it acts as a major violation...

Letter of Concern Regarding Poor Management Decisions

Letter of Concern Regarding Poor Management Decisions

This letter of concern is written to an employee by a senior member of a company in order to show his deep concerns regarding employee’s poor management decisions which are reflecting both the quality of his and the company’s work. This letter may highlight the degradation faced by the company in front of its clients because of the bad supervision of the employee. A letter of concern will serve as...

Termination Letter for Criminal Offense

Termination Letter for Criminal Offense

An employee being the supervisor or head of another employee writes this termination letter if a criminal offense is conducted on behalf of another employee of the same organization. In order to justify the breach, there must be a connection between the employee and the charge for which he is accused. These criminal offenses can be personal, proprietary, or simply an organizational base. Generally, if the termination is conducted based...

Show Cause Notice for Using Abusive Language

Show Cause Notice for Using Abusive Language

A show-cause notice for using abusive language is issued to an employee for correcting his ill-behavior against other co-workers or the people of the organization. The letter may signify the details of the occurrence of conduct and provide a general warning against disciplinary issues. In addition, the manager may ask for a reasonable excuse in the employee’s defense. Usually, a show-cause notice is issued when the employee isn’t refraining from...

Letter Informing Customers of Price Increase

Letter Informing Customers of Price Increase

Any business agency or a corporation can write this letter to their clients in order to notify them of the price increase of a relative product, stating the effective date and upraised cost of that product. The customer is given the assurance of not failing the company’s standard and giving the best services on behalf of the team members. Moreover, evident reasons for upraised costs are justified that may be...

Power of Attorney Letter for Motor Vehicle

Power of Attorney Letter for Motor Vehicle

Handing over the power of attorney of something to someone means you officially entitled them to do business on your behalf. The person given the power of attorney is now eligible to take care of your object in any way they want because you have entrusted him to do so. The power of attorney for a motor vehicle means you give someone the right to maintain the vehicle or sell...

Announcing Business Milestone Anniversary

Announcing Business Milestone Anniversary

Keeping the work environment healthy by positive reinforcements should be the major goal of every employer who wants his employees to devote their selfless efforts to the growth of the company. Such reinforcements don’t always have to be bonuses or extra paid leaves, one can contribute to increasing the work morale of the workers by simply including them in the company’s big moments. Verbal appreciations can encourage your subordinates to...

Apology Letter for Wrong Attachment

Apology Letter for Wrong Attachment

Sample -1 Dear Anderson, Here is Lee, the branch manager of stars marketing company. Through this letter, I want to seek your apology on behalf of my company. I cannot measure the extent of inconvenience that has been caused to you by the negligence of Ms. Sara, who is working as customer service representatives in our company. I want to mention here that upon receiving your request on the 12th...

Warning Letter to Employees for Gossiping

Warning Letter to Employees for Gossiping

Sample -1 Dear Robert, you must consider this document as a warning letter that is being issued to you on account of gossiping in the office during working hours. As outlined in clause #17 of the employee’s handbook, your act falls under the category of the company rules violation. On the 12th of August 20XX, it was reported to me through my reliable resources that you are spreading rumors in...

Apology Letter for Missing Attachment

Apology Letter for Missing Attachment

Sample -1 Dear Anderson, I, Garry, working as a customer service representative in XYZ company, am feeling extremely sorry and therefore writing you this letter to seek an apology for my mistake in the previous mail I sent you yesterday. In response to your request email to our company, I was supposed to send you the prices of various products along with their description. I did the same but doing...

Letter to Employer for Pay Review

Letter to Employer for Pay Review

Despite performing your best, sometimes you will not be given a pay increment by your employer, but you will have to ask for it yourself. A smart employee knows it’s worth and reckons he/she has been a dedicated worker who’ve always prioritized company’s best interests wanting it to grow. He also realizes that it’s been long, and he wants an upgrade now, but the boss is not talking about it....

Positive Letter to Contractor that has Damaged Property

Positive Letter to Contractor that has Damaged Property

A lot of times when you cannot take care of your property or renovate it on your own, you hand it over to a freelance contractor or a company to do the job for you. This company or contractor is responsible for not only renovating, or whatever the motive is, your property but also keeping it in good shape and saving it from any kind of damage. When the contract...

Warning Letter for Ignoring Lawful Instruction

Warning Letter for Ignoring Lawful Instruction

Fulfilling your everyday duties like a drill is not the sole demand of a company. Carrying through the job while staying within the legal boundary is the fundamental duty of an employee. While employers appreciate their workers performing their daily tasks without creating a mess, they are also entitled to take account of workers ignoring lawful instructions. Normally, when an employee deliberately misses or forgets an instruction, he/she is reminded...

Complaint Letter against Defective Product

Complaint Letter against Defective Product

There is no perfection in the world. As it is a popular saying “to err is human to forgive is divine.” As human beings can do mistakes and after realizing they fix them. In the same way machinery and products can be defective or faulty. But there are trillions of ways to fix the products and machinery in this advanced technology era. Nowadays, there is a great facility for online shopping...

Special Meeting Announcement Letter

Special Meeting Announcement Letter

The meetings between the staff of any company or organization are very important and very common. Whenever any person of high authority in any business wants to communicate with the people working under him, he can call them on for the meeting. The meeting also allows the staff members to share their views with each other.  The main purpose of writing this letter is to let the readers know about...

Thank you letter to teacher from parents

Thank You Letter to Teacher

Having a good teacher is a great blessing of God indeed. A good teacher is kind, passionate, knowledgeable, and loves the students. They have the ability to face every kind of student. Teaching a child and transforming him into a presentable personality for society is the biggest favor of the teacher. The parents of the child should be thankful to have such kind of teacher. Writing a letter to say...

Complaint Letter for Double Payment Charge

Complaint Letter for Double Payment Charge

In today’s world, the development of technology is bringing advancement in the life of the people. But not every person is able to adopt the life as per advancement pace of the technology. The people living in rural areas are not current to the development because of their educational and cultural background. For example, it is safer to carry a credit card instead of cash. It is easier to order...

Complaint Letter for Bullying at Superstore

Complaint letter for Bullying

In our daily routine, we deal with different people with different natures. Some people are polite; some are aggressive while others show mix trend in their behavior depending on their mood. Similarly, our attitude can also cause to change the behavior of the person with whom we are dealing. But if other person is unnecessary bullying and showing rational behavior then we should adopt the remedial action to avoid him...