Author: admin

Theft Report Letter to HR

Theft Report Letter to HR

What is a theft report letter? A theft report letter is a letter in which a person reports against the person who is stealing. It is a systematic and well-ordered letter of facts and findings of an act of theft. This report letter also works as evidence against the thief. Writing a theft report letter  A theft report letter must contain vital information that allows a recipient to make a...

Email to HR for Receiving Less Salary this Month

Email to HR for Receiving Less Salary this Month

#1 Re. Enquiring about the Incorrect Salary for [X] Dear Sir, I hope you find this email in the best of your health. I am writing this email to enquire about the incorrect amount of salary credited into my account. I am working here since March 20XX and I have never encountered such an issue before.  I work as an Assistant Web Developer (AWD) in the Department of Web Designing...

Warning Letter for Sloppy and Unorganized Work

Warning Letter for Sloppy and Unorganized Work

What is a warning letter? When inappropriate and adverse behavior is conducted by an employee, a formal warning notice is issued by the authority of the person in charge. In a company or an organization, a warning letter is usually sent to an employee when he/she is misbehaving, not doing the designated job properly, or violating company policy. Some of the key points that must be kept in mind while...

Email to reschedule an event

Email to Reschedule an Event

1- 16 January 20XXRussell ElfManager XYZ OrganizationValley Stream, 000 Hello Russell, I am Alexander Melon the manager of XYZ Company. My secretary just told me yesterday that I have a meeting with you regarding our upcoming projects on the 22nd of this month. I am so sorry to inform you that I would not be available that day for a meeting because I have to go on tour with my...

Explanation Letter for not allowing Participation in Competition

Explanation Letter for not allowing Participation in Competition

Sample -1 Dear Mr. Robin, I am much grieved for not allowing Hetty to participate in the final round of the debate competition that was on the 3rd of this month. I was much happy that he got the first position in the first two rounds and illuminated the school’s name on the higher level. I always appreciate him for his endless efforts about the study and he is a...

Recommendation Letter for an Employee to Organization

Recommendation Letter for an Employee to Organization

Letter -1 10 January 20XXGeorgia OscarBrooklyn, ER456 Dear Mr. Oscar, I am writing this letter to you on behalf of Mr. Keats who has worked as a sales manager in my company. He had been given us his services for the last fifteen years, so it is a matter of great felicity for me to recommend him for the post of branch manager in your organization. While he was here...

Immediate Resignation Letter due to Health Reason

Immediate Resignation Letter due to Health Reason

1- I am Maxwell and was working in your organization in the post of communication assistant for the last fifteen years. During these years I had been a very efficient employee and you admire me as well, but due to my serious health condition, I have to resign on an urgent basis. Last month I was met with a serious accident and as a result of it I lost my...

Letter to School about Teacher’s Bad Performance

Letter to School about Teacher’s Bad Performance

1- January 14, 20XXMark HutcheonABC SchoolBedfordshire 2345 Street Dear Mr. Hutcheon, I am sorry to inform you about the poor performance of Ms. Juliet who is teaching the English Language in your school. I should have written it earlier to you about this, but I did not. I met personally with Ms. Juliet and complained to her that my son Adam is running down in his performance and he has...

Apology Letter for Missing a Class

Apology Letter for Missing a Class

1- 10 February 20XX,Rowdy BerlinBrooklyn, 1111 Dear Mr. Berlin, I am Ronal Mathew, a student in 12th grade in your college. The purpose of writing this letter is to seek an apology from you about Ma’am Katherine’s class that has been missed by me on 20th of this month and on the base of it she did not allow me to sit in her exam which was yesterday. There were...

Warning letter to employee for harassment

Warning Letter to Employee for Harassment

Sample -1 January 02, 20XXMr. James AlexieCooperative ManagerABC Company123 Main St.Manchester, WA 77899 Dear Mr. Alexie, I am writing this letter as a last warning to you about the allegations that have been imposed upon you by many of the employees of our office and this leaves no room for you now to explain your point of view further at this time falsities have reached to its extreme. You had...

Suspension letter to employee for indiscipline

Suspension Letter to Employee for Indiscipline

1- This letter has been written to inform you of my decision of suspending you from your current position {Enter Designation} for twelve working yet unpaid days. This decision has been made unanimously by the disciplinary committee of the company {Enter Company Name}. The reason behind this decision is not unknown to you as we are sure of it. There have been complaints about you regarding some co-workers who feel...

Employment Verification Letter to Whom It May Concern

Employment Verification Letter

What is an employment verification letter? An employment verification letter is a formal response by an employer specifying that the employee works for the company. The important sections of this letter are the Employee’s name, date of joining, employee code, company’s address, and contact number. Where a verification letter can be used Verification letter can be used in various situation. Some of the most common conditions are given below: Purchasing...

Letter for School Fee Payment

Letter for School Fee Payment

#1 Re. Notice to Submit School Fee for the Month of May-June till 10-06-21 This letter serves as a detailed notice of the submission of the school fee. I am Jessica Loman, assistant coordinator in Daffodils High School of Science and Arts, Boston. I am writing this letter to pull your attention to the matter of fee submission in the month of May. According to the Accounts Department of the...

Letter to Bank for Change in Client Detail

Letter to Bank for Change in Client Detail

Banks have become an important part of our lives. They help us save pour money and any other precious items. The increasing demand in opening a bank account has facilitated all of us at large. Life has become easier with banks as one can easily manage money-related transactions through banks even while sitting at home. If you wish to open an account in any bank, the bank would require certain...

COVID-19 School Fee Payment Policy Letter to Parents

COVID-19 School Fee Payment Policy Letter to Parents

A school fee is a payment given by the parents to the institute where their child is currently getting his education from. The fee is set by the school’s management and may be different for different grade levels at the school. Parents are required to submit their child’s fee within the given due date or else they may have to pay a certain amount as a fine. There are schools...

Authorization Letter to Represent on Behalf of Company

Authorization Letter to Represent on Behalf of Company

What is an authorization letter? A letter of authorization is a document that legally allows a person to act on your behalf. An authorization letter should contain all necessary information precisely. Giving authority to someone in a business matter is a tough decision. You are directly responsible for the activities that take place on your behalf, so make sure to authorize the right person. How to draft an authorization letter?...

Travel Agency Proposal Letter for Client

Travel Agency Proposal Letter for Client

#1 Re. Proposal Letter of M-K Travelers Dear Sir/Madam, this letter has been written with the best wishes for your health and work. I intend to serve this draft as a proposal letter for you. M-K Travelers is a travel agency that is operated from Boston, California, and keeps its franchises in many other cities of California and other states. M-K travelers make sure for their customers to travel with...

Letter to Travel Agency for Hotel Booking

Letter to Travel Agency for Hotel Booking

#1 Re. Asking for a One-Bed Room in Five Star Hotel in Charleston, SC for Fifteen days Dear Madam/Sir, I am writing this letter to reserve a room in a nice five-star hotel in Charleston for fifteen days. I intend to visit Charleston this month with my wife and plan to stay there for fifteen days. As I am already getting your services in air tickets and tourist guide, therefore,...

Request letter for toilet repairing

Request Letter for Toilet Repairing

18 February 20XXMathew Arnold8888 Street(0000) 222-0000 Dear Mr. Arnold, I am Stalin and working in your institute for the last five years. From the day I have come here, I am facing the same issue again and again and I have reported to you several times to deal with this matter, but it seems that you are not serious about this at all. Not only me but others are also...

Rent Extension Letter to Tenant from Landlord

Rent Extension Letter to Tenant from Landlord

Landowners should regularly follow explicit lawful methods while amending a tenant’s lease or rent. The two significant prerequisites landowners must follow are, supplying the occupant with composed notification of the expansion and giving this notification a specific number of days prior to the rent is set to expire. A landlord does not necessarily have to be able to change an occupant’s rent whenever he feels like it. There are sure...