writeletter2.com -Formal, Official and Professional Letters

Apology Letter for Immediate Resignation

Apology Letter for Immediate Resignation

1- Subject: Apology for immediate resignation Dear Sir, I am very sorry and therefore apologizing through this letter for sending you my immediate resignation from the post of marketing director of [ABC industries]. I never wanted to leave your company but due to some unforeseen circumstances, I have to resign from this position. My resignation should be considered as effective one week from today, Monday 01 January, 20XX. I am...

Request to Transfer Funds before Closing Account

Request to Transfer Funds before Closing Account

1- Subject: Funds transfer request Dear Manager, I hope you will be doing well these days. My name is Gilchrist, working in [XYZ] company as assistant accounts officer for the last five years. I have been receiving my salary in the account titled as [ABC] in your bank. But now, due to unavoidable circumstances, I am writing this letter to inform you about the transfer of funds present in my...

Warning Letter for Not Respecting the Dress Code

Warning Letter for Not Respecting the Dress Code

1- Subject: Negligence observed in following dress code Dear Johnson, I was forced to write this warning letter when yesterday, I received a complaint letter from your supervisor in which he has put various allegations on you. Most prominently, he told me that you do not follow the dress code set by the company. Coupled with this bad habit, you have also been witnessed at various times conducting bad behavior...

Show Cause Letter for Behavior and Fight

Show Cause Letter for Behavior and Fight

1- Subject: Show cause for behavior and fight Dear Benjamin, this letter is being written to you because you have been accused of showing unprofessional and inappropriate workplace behavior, fighting with your colleagues and domestic staff, thereby destroying the calm and peaceful environment of the office by means of your acts. You were reported to show the same kind of behavior by your supervisors on many of the occasions and...

Request Letter for Salary Arrears

Request Letter for Salary Arrears

1- Dear Sir, I hope you will be fine. My name is Anna Williams and I am working as an assistant manager in your organization since May, 20XX. I have accumulated 15 years of service in my account. According to an announcement made by the management of our company, the finance department was issued a circular in which they were directed to adjust an increment in the basic salaries of...

Urgent Transportation Requirement Letter

Urgent Transportation Requirement Letter

1- Subject: Urgent transportation requirement for [X] Dear Manager, My name is Johnson and I am working in ABC pharmaceutical company as assistant manager. I am writing you this letter on behalf of my company because we are in need of 3 buses urgently. The transport service you are providing to your clients has been examined by us very carefully and the condition of buses which are included in your...

Real Estate Services Termination Letter

Real Estate Services Termination Letter

This has always been very hard to execute to terminate an employee. It is necessary to write a well-oriented termination letter in order to save your organization from future lawsuits. There are many kinds of termination letters and the company must have knowledge of discretional termination, tentative termination, job termination, real estate services termination, and payroll services termination. Ordinarily, all organizations write layoff letters according to the set format of...

Poor Performance Letter for Sales Executive

Poor Performance Letter for Sales Executive

Any institute or organization has expectations from its employees to perform in a better way. The development and progress of the company depend on the employee’s performance. Each company has different merits for its employees to perform. With the provision that the sales department is perturbed, keen attention is paid to the productivity of the company because sales bring direct earnings. The progress of the company depends on the employee’s...

Audit Services Termination Letter Template

Audit Services Termination Letter

Auditors are mostly asked by businesses and some individuals to scrutinize financials and to arrange taxes. Most of the time, auditors do not prove coefficient and trustworthy and if they fail to execute their required services in the right way, it is a time for the company and business to send an audit services termination letter to the employee. In case if the auditor has authorized a contract for a...

Company Asset Release Letter to Manager

Company Asset Release Letter to Manager

1- Re. Asset Release Letter for Nancy Dem Dear Meghan, This letter aims to direct you to undertake the responsibility of Nancy Dem’s release of the company’s assets forwarded by her termination. Dem has worked for one year during session 20XX-XX. She has completed her tenure and has been terminated on professional grounds recently. Dem has worked as a regular employee on the designation of Creative Marketing Head. Due to...

Request Letter for Replacement of Office Equipment

Request Letter for Replacement of Office Equipment

1- Re. Replacement of the Office Equipment Dear Sir, with reference to the above-cited subject, I am writing this letter to request you to replace my office equipment. The ambiance of working and tools of working are the two most important and primarily influencing factors while endeavoring to produce fair and productive content. If one works with old and broken furniture, slow and outdated computers, rusty file stands, and falling...

Email to Employee Notifying of Upcoming Training

Email to Employee Notifying of Upcoming Training

1- Re. Managerial Training on Consultancy in Washington DC Dear Rosy, I hope you read this email in great health. This email purposes to inform you about the managerial training on consultancy in Washington DC on 20th November 2020. This is a two days session in which you will be equipped with the basic and advanced skills in Management, Quality Assurance and Enhancement, and Effective Consultancy. In the wake of...

Acknowledgment Letter for Return of Company's Property

Acknowledgment Letter for Return of Company’s Property

1- I am Roshan Nexia, former Assistant Multimedia Manager, Teleonomies Multimedia Group of Company. I am writing this letter to respond/reply to the letter I received from the HR Department of the company. I intend to confess the responsibility inflicted upon me by the HR Manager of the company who penned to remind me to return the company’s property I was bestowed with the designation of Assistant Multimedia Manager.  I...

Request Letter to Submit Invoice on Time

Request Letter to Submit Invoice on Time

Letter -1 Dear Employee, (mention your employee’s correct name to make it more inclusive) It is intimated to you that we, at 5 Star Marketing, are revisiting company policies as per the annual evaluation and the company has made a few notable changes in the finance department. All the employees are requested to submit their invoices on the 30th of each month to get the payment at right time. Previously,...

Grievance Letter for Verbal Abuse of Boss

Grievance Letter for Verbal Abuse of Boss

Letter -1 Dear Employee, (Mention concerned employee’s name)The Great Minds, (mention the company’s exact name) I am writing this letter with much regret to draw your attention to an unfortunate affair observed at your end. Since you have been witnessed partaking in verbal abuse with your boss, it is now my professional duty to confront the subject matter providing you the relevant information about the protocols. As you have been...

Fuel consumption claim letter

Fuel Claim Letter to Manager

1- I am Alex, working as a Sales Executive in your company. Through this letter, I want to forward you my formal request for claiming the expenses which were incurred in buying the fuel last month while performing my job-related tasks. Since I am a sales executive and my job demand extensive traveling from me to introduce the company products to far off places of the town. In addition, I...

Email on Unsatisfactory Work from Consultant

Email on Unsatisfactory Work from Consultant

1- I am writing this email in order to inform you that your performance for the last two months is not up to the mark and as per the requirements of our company as it was reported to me by the chief manager yesterday. Your work has been found unsatisfactory, containing a lot of mistakes because you are not working professionally and diligently. Owing to your poor performance, the company...

Show Cause Letter for Poor Work Performance

Show Cause Letter for Poor Work Performance

1- I am writing you this letter in response to a bulk of complaints against you by your manager. Yesterday, while viewing performance evaluation reports submitted by the manager, I came across yours and found that you are continuously showing poor performance at the workplace. It was revealed to me that you have failed to maintain that quality standard in performance which we usually require from our employees. I still...

Late Coming Policy Letter to Employees

Late Coming Policy Letter to Employees

1: Through this letter, I want to inform you about the late coming policy that is going to be implemented with effect from the 1st of November, 20XX. The company was in dire need of formulating such kind of strict policy owing to an increased number of employees who are habitual to coming late to the office. Punctuality and being disciplined are considered key-to-success of an organization. It was being...

Email to Employees to Come Office on Time

Email to Employees to Come Office on Time

1: I hope everybody will be fine and enjoying the best of health. This email is being sent to you in response to your manager’s complaint in which he reported that most of you are in a bad habit of coming late to the office. Also, none of you is taking notice of those warnings which are being issued in response to your lateness. Being the CEO of this company,...