writeletter2.com -Formal, Official and Professional Letters

Complaint Letter against College Professor for Harassment

Complaint Letter against College Professor for Harassment

1- Dear Mr. Joseph Brian, I wish to inform you that our physics professor, Mr. Shawn Ingrid has been harassing me for many weeks. He has been passing extremely inappropriate comments and has been sending me very unprofessional messages on my personal cell phone number. He threatened to fail me in my physics exam if I reported him or spoke about it to anyone. I am writing this letter today...

Complaint Letter to Dean of University for Quality of Education

Complaint Letter to Dean of University for Quality of Education

1- Dear Sir, I am writing this letter to respectfully inform you about our grievances regarding the quality of education at our university. In the light of some events that happened, I found it necessary to write to you and express my thoughts. Firstly, I would like to let you know that our instructors prepare PowerPoint slides from the internet, and they sometimes do not correspond with the given syllabus....

Complaint Letter to Principal about Coach

Complaint Letter to Principal about Coach

1- Dear Mr. Peter John, I am writing today to lodge a complaint against our football coach Mr. Mark Johnson. Mr. Johnson joined us as a coach two months ago and replaced our previous coach. Mr. Johnson has had a very disrespectful attitude towards the team members and uses a derogatory tone while speaking to us. Yesterday he made fun of a team member’s walk as he was limping from...

Frequent Delay in Salary Complaint to Boss

Frequent Delay in Salary Complaint to Boss

Sample -1 Re. Frequent Delay in Salary Dear Sir, I am [NAME OF THE COMPLAINANT] from the [NAME OF THE DEPARTMENT]. I am writing this letter to report a problem to you and bring your kind attention to this much-ignored matter of salary payment. I am working here since 20XX, and this year marks my [NO. OF YEARS] in the [COMPANY]. Since 20XX, I never faced the issue of salary...

Complaint Letter against Boss for Harassment

Complaint Letter against Boss for Harassment

1- Dear Mr. Steven Hanks, Good day. I am writing to inform you about a harassment incident that happened with me recently at the office. As a matter of fact, our team manager and boss Mr. William Jenkins has been harassing me for the past two months. I feel embarrassed to write about this to HR, but I have been left with no choice. He passes improper comments at me...

Change of bank details letter to supplier

Change of Bank Details Letter to Supplier

Letter -1 I [name] serving as [designation] in [organization name] am writing to you on behalf of our [name] department. We have currently undertaken a project [name] for which you are supplying us with the following materials. [Materials list…] This letter is to inform you that our banking arrangements have changed slightly. From now onwards all transactions would be handled by the account mentioned below: [Account title][Account number][Bank name +...

Letter to Confirm the Changes in an Event

Letter to Confirm the Changes in an Event

Events can be of different types such as cultural, social, fundraising, business, and sporting. The management of all these events is different depending on their nature. But for handling all kinds of events, a proper channel and chain of command are followed. As all kinds have their own importance and acceptability. Nowadays, the launch of any new brand in any field is also followed by an event. Events are a...

Resignation Letter from a Church Position

Resignation Letter from a Church Position

Every job has positive as well as negative aspects. This depends on us whether to look positive side or negative. When we see the negative aspects are dominating on the positive part then we should quit that job for the peace of mind but all this depends on the availability of new vacancies and one’s qualification or experience in a particular job. There are many other reasons to resign from...

Letter to Congratulate Someone for being Accepted as a Priest

Letter to Congratulate Someone for being Accepted as a Priest

Everybody strives to choose the best career for himself. Some can achieve their wishes but sometimes nature decides something different. No matter in which profession you are serving but devotion should be the prime thing to flourish in the line of work. Especially, if we talk about a Priest, it is dedicated and devoted work to perform. Everybody cannot be qualified for Priest because of its commitment and fidelity to...

Letter to Encourage a Supervisor after a Company Setback

Letter to Encourage Supervisor after a Company Setback

All leading organizations and companies do not establish at one day. There are always strenuous efforts of the team to keep them on the right track and stand still against any wind. So, supervisors and employees are always ready for any kind of situation that can happen. Some disasters are natural, which cannot be stopped with manpower and technologies. Other kinds of losses are those which can be compensated with...

Letter of Cancellation of an Event

Letter of Cancellation of an Event

The field of event management is gaining wide acceptance. It is a type of occasion including celebration, discussion, the creation of a new name, etc. Nowadays, all new business and brand launch activities are followed by events to achieve the targeted objective or goal. Events have obtained special acceptance in modern society. Events are of many types like fashion shows, conferences, Christmas, weddings, fairs, etc. A proper channel is followed...

Announcement Letter about the Graduation of Son/Daughter

Announcement Letter about the Graduation of Son/Daughter

The educational career of children is followed by various activities in which parents are invited or called. Such activities include annual day, graduation, and carnivals, as well as parents’ teacher meetings on the progress of students. Graduation is a big day for parents and children both, especially when children are in the last year of high school. After that, they need to choose their career. The day is followed by...

Character Reference Letter for a Property Lease Applicant

Character Reference Letter for a Property Lease Applicant

In today’s time when the business of lease property is in full swing, it is becoming increasingly difficult for someone to find out the right place and the right person to avoid any exploitation through charming advertisements. These advertisements are made to attract the customers and fascinate them to decide even without any verification. But there are numerous cases in which either tenant or landlord suffer from scam resulting in...

Office Rental Termination Letter due to Space Limitation

Office Rental Termination Letter due to Space Limitation

Real estate housing is having a far-off business. Overpopulation results in space limitation. In this way, the trend of flats system is gaining wide acceptance. People opt for it because it is feasible to keep their families in the city where they are doing jobs. For various kinds of businesses and offices, tenants hire a property from landlords. Sometimes landlords or tenants come across various situations in which they must...

Letter Requesting Funds from Authorities

Letter Requesting Funds from Authorities

In today’s time funds are a great source of helping others. A lot of NGO’s are working for helping the needy and deserving. NGO’s follow a proper channel to raise funds, which is also beneficial in creating awareness among different sectors of society. Awareness brings motivation among people in different sectors of society. A lot of big companies are always found interested in providing a different kind of funds. Such...

Thank You Letter for Salary Raise

Thank You Letter for Salary Raise

A successful organization always needs to build a trust and motivation in their employees. Bosses need to be the guiding star for their employees. This is important for both the company and employees. Awards, bonuses, and salary always give motivation to employees as well as enhance their skills and abilities. To bring more out of the employees, bosses need to energize them by giving trust, giving space, having good communication,...

Apology Letter on Behalf of Partner

Apology Letter on Behalf of Partner

We tend to have different behaviors at times due to our life stresses. As human beings, we might behave in unpredictable ways, and in such situations; an apology becomes a must if we need to keep up our relationships with our friends and relatives. State any reasons for the behavior, being honest will help the other person to understand the situation. Also mention that you have been a calm and...

Warning letter for unprofessional behavior

Warning Letter for Unprofessional Behavior

1- I am writing to reprimand you on your utter disregard for office decorum. At the workplace, everyone must follow some rules and regulations to ensure the smooth running of the office. Your behavior in the last two months has been extremely unprofessional. We have received multiple complaints from your colleagues and clients, and I want to make this very clear that this type of carelessness will not be tolerated....

Personal Character Reference Letter

Personal Character Reference Letter

Character matters! Whether or not you have had a chance to actually understand through a practical example that the character of a person matters, it still does. In school, workplace, playground, or anywhere where you have to interact with people your character speaks for you. Apart from this, when you become a part of an institute or organization, your character does not only speak for you but also for all...

Letter of Apology on Student's Behalf

Letter of Apology on Student’s Behalf

During the course of academic education, there come times when students can show misbehavior in their attitude. In the case, the student is an adult he can be given a realization of his mistake and can be convinced to apologize for his behavior. However, some students who are not as mature as to realize their mistake can only be given a counseling session and the proper apology is to be...